elevated ujGGI 1944 – 2021
elevated ujGGI It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Kleber Leon on July 8, 2021.
elevated ujGGI
elevated ujGGI In light of the current COVID 19 Pandemic, the family will be having a private visitation and Funeral Mass.
elevated ujGGI
elevated ujGGI To watch the Funeral Mass live on Wednesday July 14, 2021 at 12pm click to View Service
My most sincere condolences to the Leon family during this difficult time. Kleber will forever live in our hearts and in our memories.
Some people remain in our hearts not because of what they did but because of what they made us feel in our sometimes, brief, encounters. KLEBER had a beautiful soul and the kindness he showed me will forever be my memory of him. A kind man with the smile of a 5 year old ♡ My sincere condolences to all the family.
FROM PORTUGAL , with love
Que Nuestro Padre Celestial lo tenga en su Paraíso Eterno.
Our sincere condolences to the family. Tio Kleber will by far always be in our hearts and memories. He was a kind soul with a big heart and will be missed, especially his smile and great hugs.
My memories of Kleber are very fond, he brought so much joy to those around him. He shared his kindness, humor, wisdom and love to everyone. My prayers and thoughts are with you during this difficult time. May God’s love and mercy comfort you and your family.
As mais sentidas condolências desde Portugal da família Pinto para sua Esposa, Ana Leon, seu filho Alan Leon, Minha nora Lynn Leon Pinto, meus Netos Felipe e Carla, meu filho Paulo Pinto e restante família e amigos.
Muy difícil para mi abrir esta página y saber que no está entre nosotros, que se ha ido, muchas memorias vienen a mi mente de cuando lo conocí, tenía 16 años, un gran ser humano con una calidad sonrisa, su mundo su esposa, mi querida y amada tia. Su partida nos deja un hueco en nuestros corazones, solo el consuelo de quienes creemos en la gloria de nuestro Padre Celestial nos da la fortaleza para decirle hasta pronto, descansa en paz y cuida desde el cielo a tus seres queridos.