elevated x0QJ6 July 17, 1962 – September 15, 2023Ā 

elevated x0QJ6 It is with extremely heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Joaquin Chavarria on Friday September 15, 2023 at 61 years of age. He is survived by his loving wife of 38 years, Carmen Evelyn. Joaquin was a dedicated father to his children, Evelyn, Cheryl, Joaquin and Arlyn and a cherished grandfather to Erik. Fondly remembered by his siblings, Concepcion, Ivette, Salvadora, Maria Lidia, Jorge, and Gloria. He will be held dear in the hearts of his cousins, nieces and nephews residing in Nicaragua, the United States and Canada.

elevated x0QJ6 Joaquin will be remembered for his wise advice and good humor. He enjoyed long walks in nature and never missed a Blue Jays game. With a passion for charity work, Joaquin, with a group of friends, founded the Peregrinos de la Puerta Santa to help give back to people in need in Nicaragua. Joaquin possessed the mind of a philosopher; his curiosity led him on a quest to uncover answers to the significant questions about his life. He was able to grow as an individual and has left behind a legacy that will continue making a meaningful difference.

elevated x0QJ6 Thank you to all our friends and family for all your prayers, phone calls, and other kind gestures during these difficult times. We are grateful for your presence as we honour his memory.

elevated x0QJ6 ~~

elevated x0QJ6 Con gran pesar anunciamos el fallecimiento de JoaquĆ­n ChavarrĆ­a el viernes 15 de septiembre de 2023 a los 61 aƱos de edad. Le sobrevive su amada esposa durante 38 aƱos, Carmen Evelyn. JoaquĆ­n fue un padre dedicado a sus hijos, Evelyn, Cheryl, JoaquĆ­n y Arlyn y un querido abuelo para Erik. Recordado con cariƱo por sus hermanos ConcepciĆ³n, Ivette, Salvadora, MarĆ­a Lidia, Jorge y Gloria. SerĆ” muy querido en el corazĆ³n de sus primos, sobrinas y sobrinos que residen en Nicaragua, Estados Unidos y CanadĆ”.

elevated x0QJ6 JoaquĆ­n serĆ” recordado por sus sabios consejos y su buen humor. Disfrutaba de largas caminatas en la naturaleza y nunca se perdĆ­a un partido de los Blue Jays. Con una pasiĆ³n por el trabajo caritativo, JoaquĆ­n fundĆ³ con un groupo des amigos ā€œLos Peregrinos de la Puerta Santaā€ para ayudar a personas necesitadas en Nicaragua. JoaquĆ­n poseĆ­a la mente de un filĆ³sofo; su curiosidad lo llevĆ³ a buscar respuestas a preguntas importantes sobre su vida. Pudo crecer como individuo y dejĆ³ un legado que seguira siendo recordado.

elevated x0QJ6 Gracias a todos nuestros amigos y familiares por todas sus oraciones, llamadas telefĆ³nicas y otros gestos amables en estos tiempos difĆ­ciles. Gracias por honar su memoria con su presencia.

elevated x0QJ6 Funeral Mass
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 10:30 am
St. Jude’s Roman Catholic ChurchĀ 
3265 Weston Rd, North York, ON M9M 2T9

elevated x0QJ6 Burial
Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery
7300 ON-27, Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A5

elevated x0QJ6 The burial will be held after the funeral Mass

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