My dear friends,
As we strive to live out our faith daily and to build God’s Kingdom, we also recognize that our earthly journey will one day come to a close. While death is not always easy to talk about or ponder, our faith reminds us that our eternal reward will come when we are reunited in heaven with Our Lord and those who have gone before us.
Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services is an extension of our church community. Each day, they provide caring and compassionate outreach to those who have experienced loss. Burial in a Catholic cemetery is carried out in a manner consistent with our faith tradition. It is a dignified and important visible sign of our faith as well as an opportunity for a legacy to live on for years to come through all those who will visit, pray and remember our dear loved ones.
For more than 160 years, the Archdiocese of Toronto has provided Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services to allow us to honour the dead and celebrate their earthly journey. I kindly invite you to discern and prayerfully consider how Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services might assist you or your loved ones as you consider your own personal end of life planning.
Let us continue to pray for all those who have been called home to the Lord, in thanksgiving for their lives and the many blessings they have shared with us.
Yours Sincerely in Jesus with Mary,
His Eminence Francis Cardinal Leo