elevated Kp56R March 15, 1954 – May 25, 2022

elevated Kp56R Obituary

elevated Kp56R With a heavy heart, we announce the passing of Agnes Kam Fung Suen on May 25, 2022. She was survived by her husband, Sam; daughter, Yvonne and her husband, Sanford; grandchildren, Hannah, Abigail, and Charlotte; step-daughter, Julia and her husband, Boris, and grandson Bo. Agnes also left behind her centenarian mother, Pui Yuk, and four siblings and their spouses, Clemens and Sallia, Jimmy and Annie, Rosa, Kam and Bob, in addition to three nephews and a niece.

elevated Kp56R Wife to Anthony King Chiu Poon, the family of three immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong in 1980. They successfully built up their careers and raised their only daughter before Anthony‘s passing in 2002. She remarried Sam in 2015.

elevated Kp56R Agnes was an ordinary person with extraordinary traits: honest to a fault, extremely conscientious of others’ needs and always walked the extra mile. These qualities earned her an award, “Best of the Best Top Individuals” in 2005 and 2008 at Scotiabank, where she worked for numerous years. All her customers loved her and some even became her good friends after she retired. Another highlight of her career was in 1998 when she was chosen to be the poster girl in a Scotiabank brochure.

elevated Kp56R Agnes was a globe-trotter and left her footprint in almost every continent. She travelled extensively with her siblings, Sam, and her friends in the last 15 years. She not only enjoyed the scenery and good food during her travels, but also treasured the company and connections she made with everyone.

elevated Kp56R In recent years, Agnes became an active member of her church, serving as lector or simply helping out, however, it was not the only place that Agnes donated her time. In addition to caring for her senior-but-not-senile mom, she also spent time with her godfather, William, who was lonely and wheelchair-bound in his senior years. To cheer him up, Agnes took William to coffee shops, accompanied him to the doctor’s office, and even overseas trips. For Agnes, charity began at home, but did not stop there.

elevated Kp56R
Agnes lived a happy and fulfilling life. As the second youngest among her siblings, she was treasured by her brothers and sisters. During the last two years, Agnes courageously battled liver cancer where she was surrounded by her family and good friends. She now rests in peace with her first love, Chiu, where her adult life journey began. May she enjoy her next and everlasting life in God’s grace. Amen.

elevated Kp56R Funeral Mass
It is Agnes’ wish to have a private funeral mass for the family, to be livestreamed on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 10:30 A.M. through the following link.
Please attend by clicking this link.

elevated Kp56R The recording of the funeral mass will be available until 1st Sept, 2022.

elevated Kp56R Donations
In lieu of flowers, please send your remembrance to St Patrick’s Parish through the following link:
Click Here to Donate to St. Patrick’s

elevated Kp56R Alternatively, you can contact https://engage.utoronto.ca/site/SPageServer?pagename=donate#/fund/1412 if you want to donate to Agnes Suen Liver Cancer Research Fund administered by Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.

elevated Kp56R Memorial Tribute
For more on Agnes’ life and your tribute, please click this link.

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