elevated Kp56R March 15, 1954 – May 25, 2022
elevated Kp56R Obituary
elevated Kp56R With a heavy heart, we announce the passing of Agnes Kam Fung Suen on May 25, 2022. She was survived by her husband, Sam; daughter, Yvonne and her husband, Sanford; grandchildren, Hannah, Abigail, and Charlotte; step-daughter, Julia and her husband, Boris, and grandson Bo. Agnes also left behind her centenarian mother, Pui Yuk, and four siblings and their spouses, Clemens and Sallia, Jimmy and Annie, Rosa, Kam and Bob, in addition to three nephews and a niece.
elevated Kp56R Wife to Anthony King Chiu Poon, the family of three immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong in 1980. They successfully built up their careers and raised their only daughter before Anthony‘s passing in 2002. She remarried Sam in 2015.
elevated Kp56R Agnes was an ordinary person with extraordinary traits: honest to a fault, extremely conscientious of others’ needs and always walked the extra mile. These qualities earned her an award, “Best of the Best Top Individuals” in 2005 and 2008 at Scotiabank, where she worked for numerous years. All her customers loved her and some even became her good friends after she retired. Another highlight of her career was in 1998 when she was chosen to be the poster girl in a Scotiabank brochure.
elevated Kp56R Agnes was a globe-trotter and left her footprint in almost every continent. She travelled extensively with her siblings, Sam, and her friends in the last 15 years. She not only enjoyed the scenery and good food during her travels, but also treasured the company and connections she made with everyone.
elevated Kp56R In recent years, Agnes became an active member of her church, serving as lector or simply helping out, however, it was not the only place that Agnes donated her time. In addition to caring for her senior-but-not-senile mom, she also spent time with her godfather, William, who was lonely and wheelchair-bound in his senior years. To cheer him up, Agnes took William to coffee shops, accompanied him to the doctor’s office, and even overseas trips. For Agnes, charity began at home, but did not stop there.
elevated Kp56R
Agnes lived a happy and fulfilling life. As the second youngest among her siblings, she was treasured by her brothers and sisters. During the last two years, Agnes courageously battled liver cancer where she was surrounded by her family and good friends. She now rests in peace with her first love, Chiu, where her adult life journey began. May she enjoy her next and everlasting life in God’s grace. Amen.
elevated Kp56R Funeral Mass
It is Agnes’ wish to have a private funeral mass for the family, to be livestreamed on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 10:30 A.M. through the following link.
Please attend by clicking this link.
elevated Kp56R The recording of the funeral mass will be available until 1st Sept, 2022.
elevated Kp56R Donations
In lieu of flowers, please send your remembrance to St Patrick’s Parish through the following link:
Click Here to Donate to St. Patrick’s
elevated Kp56R Alternatively, you can contact https://engage.utoronto.ca/site/SPageServer?pagename=donate#/fund/1412 if you want to donate to Agnes Suen Liver Cancer Research Fund administered by Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.
elevated Kp56R Memorial Tribute
For more on Agnes’ life and your tribute, please click this link.
May you find peace and happiness at God’s side Agnes. Your smile is in our hearts forever.
Agnes, will miss you forever! Your smile & kindness is always in our mind! May you rest in peace & comfort in God’s arm & enjoy your eternal life in heaven!
Our deepest sympathy & condolence to Sam & your family during this difficult time!
Our prayers are with you!
Thank you Alan and Winnie for being Agnes’ spiritual companion, especially in the ME ministry. Please be assured that Agnes is in the greener pastures now. In God, we trust.
Agnes, we will not forget your smiles and calmness. We also miss the good time that we had together.
As well, our sincere condolences to Sam and to Agnes’ family members.
May you Rest In Peace Auntie Agnes. Your kindness touched many hearts. I will keep you in my prayers. Please accept my deepest condolences to the entire family.
Thank you so much Vicky for remembering Agnes who actually was laughing all her way to meet God. Though we all miss her, we treasure even more our remaining life on earth. Take care. Uncle Clemens
May you Rest In Peace with GOD Bless.
Enjoy unending love with Sam and all family members and friends both past and forever worth to smile in the heaven every day.
Agnes, May you rest in eternal peace with Christ. You will never be forgotten.
So sad to receive this news of Agnes’ passing. Her kind heart and generous spirit will not be forgotten, especially to William.
We are ever grateful to have known Agnes and mourn with the family during this time. With heavy hearts, we offer our deepest condolences.
Sending love to her family. May you cherish your memories of her. She will forever be in your hearts.
Auntie Agnes,
The sparkle of your eyes, the brightness of your smile, your beautiful soul, full of love and faith, ascended to heaven, your kindness will always stay in my heart.
I give my condolences to the entire family. Rest in peace.
Agnes, may you rest in peace in Heaven. You will always be remembered. God bless your soul.
Thank you, Jennifer. She lived a full life. We all miss her so much.
It’s heartbreaking to know the news, I can’t speak, Covid 19 makes us separated and can’t see each other again, very sad. Agnes is gentle and kind, she is not only my sister-in-law but also my good friend .
Agnes! I am sure you are at a better place now, we will all miss you , she touched so many of our lives.
So sad to receive this news of Agnes’ passing. Her kind heart and generous spirit will not be forgotten, especially to William.
We are ever grateful to have known Agnes and mourn with the family during this time. With heavy hearts, we offer our deepest condolences.
– HSIEH Family
我和阿孫Agnes由細 玩 到大 ,小學、中學都是要好的同學,大家互相關心,扶持。她是一個獨立、善良、孝順、美麗的女孩子,工作上更能獨當一面 ,最重要她是一個虔誠的天主教徒。
「人之相知,貴相知心」 感謝天主給我哋相識嘅緣分!
永遠懷念我的老友 一 孫金鳳,願他朝我們能再重聚。
求主賜阿孫在主懷中得享永遠的 安息和福樂!
Agnes was kind, sincere, caring and intelligent. She has been a good model, impressing us with her courage and good faith in God. She is now with God enjoying eternal life. Agnes, rest In Peace and your presence on earth will be missed. Will see you again in the new Jerusalem. Sam, take good care of yourself at your time of loss
Thank you, and thanks to your other two sisters who have given so much spiritual and actual support to Agnes and Sam since she was ill. May God continue to guide us all in our remaining journey on earth. Amen.
Auntie Agnes,
The sparkle of your eyes, the brightness of your smile, your beautiful soul, full of love and faith, ascended to heaven, your kindness will always stay in our hearts.
I give my condolences to the entire family. Rest in peace.
All your memory will never fade.
Very honoured to have had the opportunity to be a lector with you at St. Patrick’s Parish. I will always remember your sweet smile and calm demeanor. May you rest in the loving arms of our heavenly Father. My sincere condolence to Agnes’ entire family.
On behalf of Toronto Pui Ching Yin Class, I like to express our deepest sorrow of your passing Agnes.
Your beauty, gentleness, kindness and generosity will always be remembered.
And your submission and courage while battling the disease has set a model for everyone.
We will see each other again in eternity!
Thank you so much, Elaine, for accompanying Agnes with such nutritious and tasty food that uplifted her spirit in her final weeks. We are forever grateful. God bless..
Dear Agnes, may you rest in eternal piece. It was a pleasure having you as our neighbor and friend. Our sincere condolences go out to your entire family. God bless you.
Dear Agnes,
As a classmate and a friend, your cheerful and warm personality always brought me so close to you. I will always remember our trips together and our long chat last December. Please rest in peace. My sincere condolences to Sam and the rest of your family.
Dear Agnes,
May you rest in peace. It was a pleasure working with you in Scotiabank. I will never forget your kindness and smile. My deepest condolences to your entire family members.
Dear Agnes,
Agnes, 你一生虔誠愛主,敬老尊賢,熱心工作,樂於助人,備受家人稱讚愛戴。
主愛的Agnes, 你不愧此生,請安息!在天父大愛的懷裏,進入新生的永恆!你親切美麗的笑容永遠在我們懷念中!
逝者安息,生者幸福是對逝去親人最好的安慰!請Sam 及家人節哀保重!
Jimmy & Margaret
多謝 Jimmy, Margaret 和所有祈禱事工的兄弟姊妹。Agnes 哭著來,笑著去,能夠和她一齊成長,我們各兄弟姊妹,都感謝上主的緣份。能夠不枉此生,夫乎何求?
So sad to receive this news, my sincere condolences to Yvonne, Sam, and their families.
From our exchange of messages, learned she lived her last few months with grace and good spirits. Brave woman. God bless you.
Thank you KK. We siblings feel the same as you when accompanying her in the last few months. Take care of yourself.
We met only few times since you married to Sam. You known to me was a gentle lady with a heart of gold.May God receive your soul and grant you eternal peace.
My deepest condolences to your entire family.
Agnes, no words can describe how much pleasure having you as one of our best friends. Your smiles and kindness will always be in our memory. May you rest in heaven.
Agnes, we pray that our Heavenly Father will embrace you in eternal peace and happiness 🙏
Agnes, RIP
Sam, May God’s peace and comfort be with you and your family!
Dear Agnes,during the period of Cancer treatments, you showed great faith in God,every day you walked with Him.You are a graceful lady of Integrity.Now you rest in Father God’s arms. We miss you.Sam take good care of yourself.See you in church.
The Angels sang and Agnes ascended to God’s realm in the warm embrace of God. We will all miss Agnes and wish the well-being of her lovable families. Sam, you take good care and we will see you soon.
Agnes, may you rest in peace. I am glad that I had a chance meeting you. My sincere condolences to your family.
Thank you Vladimir for your condolences. I wish you could meet Agnes earlier as she was such a kind and gentle soul that we all miss.
We miss you so much. Your unique temperament is always in our mind. May you live an eternal life in heaven. Our condolences to Sam and your family.
Thank you so much, Hung Wah & Winnie. Let’s live our life to the full everyday, like Agnes!
Agnes, we miss you so much, your genuine, kind, caring heart, strong ethics, resilience, deep faith, and beautiful smiles will always be on our minds. Thanks God for giving us such a beautiful wonderful friend.
We keep praying for the repose of your soul and resting in the loving arms of God. Sam and Clemens, take care. You and your family are in our prayers too. Claude & Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca and Claude. We are pretty sure that she is now with God, somewhere, somehow. She will live in our hearts and minds forever and ever. Amen.