elevated IPhAG October 7, 1937 – May 11, 2021
elevated IPhAG It is with our deepest sorrows that we announce the passing of Antonio Fusco on May 11th, 2021 at Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket. Beloved husband of more than 58 years to his loving wife Concetta. Loving father to Giovanni, Paolo and Claudio, father in law to Jennifer, Kristine and Christina and proud grandfather to Nicholas, Luca, Amelia and step grandfather to Ryan. Antonio devoted his life to his work and his love of his family and will be sorely missed by all friends and family alike.
elevated IPhAG Riposa in Pace caro Papa
elevated IPhAG In Loving Memory of Antonio Fusco donations may be made to the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada.
elevated IPhAG Due to the current Covid 19 pandemic the Fusco Family will be having a private funeral mass on Friday, May 14, 2021 at 12:00pm.
elevated IPhAG Click the link below to view the mass on our live stream broadcast. Thank you.
Rest in Eternal Peace Zio Be the guardian Angel for your beautiful wife, children and grandchildren. We miss you, always in our hearts ♥️. Love Rick, Julie and Alesandro Santelli
Everyday I think of you and miss you I wish you could see how beautiful your granddaughter is. Every now and then Amelia asks “daddy do you miss nonno?” I tell her everyday sweetie. She would’ve loved your prosciutto pa. Miss you love you
To Concetta and family. We extend our heartfelt condolences on the passing of a beloved man. Our friendship with Tony began with Vince making a random call to get listings for properties. Vince ended up selling their home on Castlebury Avenue, and then buying a lot in Richmond Hill, and the rest is history. A special friendship blossomed meeting Concetta, Gianni, Paolo, and Claudio, plus Concetta’s parents and Tony’s parents. Our home was finished and renovated thanks to the great carpentry work Tony provided for us. The Fusco family was always warm, hospitable, and welcoming. May his soul find eternal rest and may his memories live on in the hearts of those he loved. “Coloro che amiamo e che abbiamo perduto, non sono piu dove erano, ma sono ovunque noi siamo.”
Our sincere condolences to the Fusco family.
May he Rest In Peace.
– Domenic and Gaetanina Marano
Our deepest sympathies from Rodolfo Porco and Family.
Papa, we miss you so much already.
Our deepest sympathies to you, Paolo, and your family on the loss of your beloved father. May he rest in peace.
The Staff at Boz Electric Supply
You and your family are in my thoughts as you grieve this loss. My deepest condolences on the loss of your father
My deepest condolences to you and your family .
So sorry for your loss Paul. Our deepest condolences to you and your family.
My Dearest Father in Law Tony. You will always hold a special place in my heart. Till we meet again💞🙏
May 11, 2021
Carissimi Cuggini. Concettina, Nicola, e Pasqualino, e Nipoti, John, Claudio, e Paul. Con tristezza Vivian ed io vi porgiamo le nostre condoglianze per la perdita del vostro Marito, Fratello, Padre e Nonno.
Tony ed io abbiamo trascorso la nostra infanzia insieme fino a l’eta’ di 16 anni nello stesso paese,Vinchiatuo PR. di Campobasso Italia. Questi pochi anni insieme fu una gioia incredibile, mai una lite ma sempre in buon umore e tantissime risate. Poi emigrati al Canada abbiamo continuato ad tenere contatto. Tony era un uomo con tanto rispetto, generoso, umile e lavoratore e sopratutto amichevole, ed amava la vita. Questa maldetta malattia distrugge una persona del tale senza rimorso. Allora in conclusione spero voi tutti di famiglia trovate conforto nelle belle memorie che Tony vi ha lasciato di essere un GRANDE UOMO. Sono sicuro che IDDIO lo ha riciamato a casa sua dove gode per l’eternita’
Mike, Vivian Tamburro e Famiglia
Dearest Cousins. Concettina, Nicola, and Pasqualino, and nephews , John, Claudio, and Paul. With sadness Vivian and I offer you our condolences for the loss of your Husband, Brother, Father and Grandpa.
Tony and I spent our childhood together until the age of 16 in the same town, Vinchiatuo PR. of Campobasso Italy. These few years together was an incredible joy, never a fight but always in a good mood and lots of laughs. Then we emigrated to Canada we continued to keep in touch. Tony was a man with a lot of respect, generosity, humble and hardworking and above all friendly. He also loved life to the limit. This ugly disease destroys such a person without remorse. So in conclusion I hope you all find comfort in the beautiful memories that Tony has left you of being a GREAT MAN. I am sure GOD has called him back home where he rests for eternity
With love, Mike, Vivian Tamburro and Family.
Per la Famiglia Fusco,
La morte è una porta, che si apre in un momento della nostra vita. Chi la attraversa non deve più soffrire, ma soffre chi ci è stato vicino fino alla fine. Eppure il dolore lascia ben presto il posto alla dolcezza del ricordo che portiamo nei nostri cuori. Questo ci darà forza e motivo di vivere al meglio la nostra vita, è così facendo onoriamo coloro che abbiamo perduto. Ci stringiamo a voi in questa terribile disgrazia che vi ha colpito. In questi momenti le parole non servono ad alleviare il dolore. Vogliate accettare le nostre più sentite condoglianze per la vostra grande perdita. Ricordiamo con affetto il caro Antonio e vi siamo vicini nel vostro dolore.
Our Deepest and Heartfelt condolences to Concetta, Giavonni, Paolo and Claudio and their families. It has been an honour to have known Tony. He will never be forgotten.
R.I.P. Tony.
My deepest condolences to the whole family. He will always be in my heart.
Love Angela Capone
Wishing you peace and comfort during this hard time.
With Love Maurizio Puzo and family.
Our deepest condolences to you and your family may your dad Rest In Peace.
The Fabrizzi family
Our sincere condolences. Rest in peace Zio Tony. Pasquale (Pat) Reonegro & Family
My sincerest and heartfelt condolences to the entire Fusco family. May he Rest In Peace.
John Reonegro
Concettina Fusco and Family My Deepest Condolences