elevated Gi3s0 June 7, 1934 ~ September 28, 2020
elevated Gi3s0 Obituary
elevated Gi3s0 It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of Antonio Valente, at the age of 86 on Monday, September 28, 2020. Beloved husband Benedetta (Betty). Cherished father of Anthony, Stephanie (Ronnie Vecchio) and Laura (David Kamann). Devoted and proudest Nonno Tony of Marc, Alyssa, Dylan and Michael. Antonio will be dearly missed by all who knew him both here in Canada and Italy.
elevated Gi3s0 Due to Covid 19 restrictions there will be a private family Funeral Mass on Friday, October 2, 2020 at 10:30 am
elevated Gi3s0
Our deepest condolences to a man who loved his family to no end, a man who loved to hunt & fish so he could feed all that came, a man who kept fighting until the very end. May you rest in peace cousin Tony. We love you.
Melissa & Ed
We are sincerely sorry for your loss. Tony was a wonderful person and he will be deeply missed. May you find comfort in all your beautiful memories together.
We keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Deepest Sympathy,
Ines, Alfonso, Robert DiPlacido
& Angelina Nardone
My sincere condolences to the Valente Family! Tony was a great man R.I.P.
Lola Iafano-Durant
With great sadness we heard the news Betty of Tony’s passing. He was such a great and joyfully man, we are pleased to have had the pleasure of knowing him all these years. Your great memories will help console you and the family. My heart goes out to you and the family, our condolences to all of you.
Phyllis and Joseph Mastrofrancesco
Our deepest condolences on the passing of Totonno. We will miss him.
We are so sorry for your loss .
Tony will be missed , but his greater than life personality will be remembered forever .
Our deepest condolences
Frank and Vicki Maini
Lodge Family
Maini Family
We are so sad to hear about Tony. He had a bigger than life personality and that made him beloved by anyone who knew him. He had a huge and generous heart and was a true friend. Our sincerest condolences to each and every family member.
Tony aka TOTONNE!!!!!
Our sincerest condolences to the
Valente Family
Steve&Debra Maini
Frank & Vicky Maini
Lodge Family
Our deepest condolences. keeping you in our prayers Betty and to your family.
Melina Vettese and
Anna and Frank Palleschi
Our dearest Tony , our brother-in-law & zio. To us you were more than that … you were a father figure and a nonno. We love you and you will always been in our hearts
It is with great sadness that we say a final farewell to our one of kind Tony. A brother-in-law and uncle who was more of a father figure and nonno to our family. In our hearts forever ❤️❤️
Sincere condolences to the family, and to all that knew and respected Tony.
My deepest condolences to your family in this difficult time. Sending healing prayers to you all.
Condolences to everyone. Tony was a beautiful man, who loved life and drew people to him. There was no option but to love this man. Love to Betty, and the entire family.
To Betty and the children and grandchildren, we are so sorry for your loss. Tony touched everyone who came in contact with and has left many footprints. His personality shone through. RIP Tony
Dear Betty and family
You and Tony have always been such an important couple and family to ours. Our condolences to you al. So many beautiful shared memories to hold on to and treasure. Butterflies reign! and I thank Tony for always being this touchstone for me personally.
Love and hugs
Al and Alba DiPlacido
Betty, Bruno and I are sending our deepest condolences. Tony was one of a kind. Has left me with great memories. Please convey our condolences to the whole family. Take care.
Dear Betty and family,
I was saddened to hear of the loss of Tony. He was such a good friend of Adolph. Lots of good jokes and fun.
I hope the love and memories you share will bring comfort for all of you.