elevated RrVha April 9, 1936 – January 13, 2022

elevated RrVha Obituary

elevated RrVha Benny was born in the city of Cervaro, Italy. He lived and worked in France for a little while and then came to Canada in 1966 to marry his beautiful wife Filomena. He fathered 3 wonderful children; Claudia, Diana and Guiliano. Benny was a very hard working, respectful and gentle man. He was a true man that took care of his family. He was, among many things, a great tile setter. He has touched the homes of most, if not all, of his friends and family. Every time you look at the tiles in your home, the memory of Benny will always come back to you. A small smile will come to your face and a warm feeling will come over your body.

elevated RrVha Benny is survived by his wife Filomena, his children Claudia and her husband David, Diana and her husband Marcello, Guiliano and his wife Coral, and all his grandchildren; Amadeus, Alessio, Andreas, Jessica, Marcus, Luca and Aidan. He had a tremendous love for his mother Caterina and carried her picture on his person at all times. 

elevated RrVha Benny loved and cherished all his family members in Italy, France and around the world wholeheartedly. Benny was truly one of a kind. A beautiful man that worked tirelessly from a young age of 13 to make his dreams come true. His paradise was his family and home and he took care of them with intense devotion. His simple and common sense approach to life has rubbed off on everyone that surrounded him.

Benny, you will be greatly missed.

elevated RrVha Visitation
To honour Benny, Friends are invited to join the Canale family Monday January 17, 2022 from 4pm to 8pm

elevated RrVha Due to Covid-19 capacity restrictions, friends may have to wait to pay their respects during the visitation period. We are inviting family and friends to a walk-through visitation only to pay their respects, offer condolences and then kindly exit the building to allow for others to enter.

elevated RrVha Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6

elevated RrVha Private Funeral Mass – By Invitation Only
A Private Funeral Mass will be held in the Chapel of St. Joseph within the Funeral Home on Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 10:30am If you wish to view the Mass, Please click here to View Service

elevated RrVha Entombment  
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
8361 Yonge Street, Thornhill, ON, L3T 2C7

elevated RrVha Due to COVID 19 restrictions the Entombment will be Private

elevated RrVha Donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Colorectal Cancer Canada in Benedetto’s honour. 

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