elevated Ygqki June 10, 1928 – November 1, 2022

elevated Ygqki The family of Clement Victor Francis is shocked and deeply saddened to announce his passing
on November 1st 2022. He is lovingly remembered and lives on through his seven children and
their spouses. Phillip and Caroline Francis, Sabrina and the late Keith Ross, Everton and
Belinda Francis, Jennifer and Christopher Lamaire, Father David Francis, Anita and Deon
Armstrong, and Lyndon and Elaine Francis.

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Grandchildren – Calvin and Shalini, Candy and Prasad, Neil, Ken, Matthew, Evita and Shawn,
Denver and Roma, Kris-anne, Brooke, Lynn and Liam, Dianne, Dylan, Craig, and Aaron.
Great Grandkids – Ashlen, Aneira, Neevan, Keenan, Skye, Amelia and Luke.
And all his extended family and friends, near and far.

elevated Ygqki
A Tribute to Pa: From Fr. David on behalf of all his siblings

elevated Ygqki
Dearest family members, friends all gathered here this morning. Today, we deeply feel the loss
of a dearly dearly beloved person. We moan, we cry, we grieve, we silently weep and it seems
that for now that is the only emotion we feel. In losing our dad, we also feel a part of us has left
with him as well. We have lost a Dad, a grandpa, a great grandpa, a father-in-law, an uncle and
a dear friend to so many of you. To intone the right words on behalf of each and every one of
you would be woefully inadequate. It’s even more difficult when some of us are far away and
unable to stand together to share this loss personally. And yet, lining the clouds of grief and loss
are the silver linings of thanksgiving for a life lived to the fullest!

elevated Ygqki
I titled this tribute to our dad as, “Gone too soon” – for someone who passed on at 94, this may
sound an exaggeration of the highest order – but to those who knew our dad they would fully
agree with that. Be it Dad or Pa or Pop or just Clemmy, he was not just a youthful spirit in an old
body but he was youthful in every sense – body, mind and spirit. He could relate to all and make
them feel at ease. He was a magnet to the young ‘uns and he drew them in with his ready wit
and his penchant for telling stories from his life. I remember a time when dad and I did the
famous “Rockies” Train trip and a young girl came up to me and said, “Your dad is amazing – I
can’t believe when he told me he was 87 – no walking stick, walking so erect. Wow!” I replied
back, “Please don’t tell my dad that I told you this, but he is actually 91” No words to describe
her expressions then. For him, age was a matter of the mind; if you don’t mind then it doesn’t

elevated Ygqki
There are seven of us children and it wasn’t very easy for mum and dad. Hey worked hard to
bring us up but they never ever complained. Once they were back from work, they prioritised
family time. We all had our chores to do. Each one their specific responsibility. Living spaces
were constricted, but their hearts were warm and open. Though resources were scarce, our
parents gave us riches far more than any worldly treasure – they gave us love (to each in a
special way), they gave us the gifts of laughter, family, hard work, honesty, courage, real joy,and
resilience. They drilled in us the importance of staying connected to each other and to always
remember that to err is human, to forgive is divine….and when every worldly source is depleted,
to trust in God’s divine Providence.

elevated Ygqki
Those were times- when there were faithful friends and not Facebook Friends; where smiles
were real and not emojis; where laughter was loud and felt not scribbled LOLs; where music
was in the soul and not about use and throw; where stories were real and not fabricated for
public ratings.

elevated Ygqki
At all times dad stood tall – literally and figuratively. He was not a harsh parent but when he did
in rare moments turn stern, then it had to be that you either ‘shape up or ship out’. We loved our
monthly ‘pocket money’ when each of us stood in line starting with the eldest to the youngest to
receive our much-treasured monthly allowance from him. He was always there for us. Mum and
dad were the epitome of ‘opposites attract’. If mum was fire, dad was ice, if mum was chalk, dad
was cheese; If mum was the storm, he was calm after the storm! In dad, there was a quiet
strength and patience that kept us good and grounded. He recognized each of his children as
unique and different individuals. He never chided us for our choices – he would tell me that I am
the luckiest of the family as I did not marry and to the married children he would say about their
spouses, “you made the best choice”.

elevated Ygqki
He loved life and all those delicacies that come with it – good food, daily exercise, gardening,
grocery shopping, regular travels to India and other places of leisure; following daily mass on TV
or watching the news or some favourite comedies on TV and a nap on his sofa. Not to forget his
daily drink that was punctuated with ‘oohs and aahs’ at each sip.

elevated Ygqki
His being young is evident that he lived healthy till the end – the only time he was hospitalised in
all his life were the days prior to his death. And that was also his last. Saby, Lyndon and Elaineyou
were his pillars of strength. Angels of care! On your toes and always by his side, you gave
him all the time, love and care. Not just in these last few days, but all the years since mum
passed on. Jennifer and Anita in Australia, Everton in Canada, Phillip and David in India all had
our ‘moments in the sun’ with dad when he visited. And when we were far from him, we kept
connecting with great warmth and affection. Each of you is incredible to say the least!
As it is in life, the taste of all that’s best lingers on forever. To borrow Hellen Keller’s words,
“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved, we can never lose, for all that we love deeply
becomes part of us.” And that part of us is filled with a sense of joy and gratitude for the gift of
such a lovely person that will linger on for many lives to come.

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So my dear family and friends, as the curtains fall on a life that was lived to the fullest, let’s take
a bow to Clement Forever Young Francis!

elevated Ygqki Visitation
Friday, November 4, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Catholic Cremation Services
6933 Tomken Road, Mississauga, ON L5T 1N4

elevated Ygqki Funeral Mass
Friday, November 4, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Merciful Redeemer Parish
2775 Erin Centre Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5M 5W2

elevated Ygqki Cremation
Assumption Catholic Cemetery 
6933 Tomken Road, Mississauga, ON L5T 1N4