elevated PXetq October 12, 1929 ~ June 3, 2024
elevated PXetq Visitation
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East Thornhill, Ontario L3T 3Z6
elevated PXetq Funeral Mass
Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
Chapel of St. Joseph – Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
elevated PXetq Entombment
Beechwood Cemetery- Mausoleum of Saints
7241 Jane Street Concord, Ontario L4K 1A7
elevated PXetq
elevated PXetq God called Diego Spano peacefully on June 3, 2024 at the age of 94. He is now reunited in Heaven with his loving wife Maria Grazia. Cherished by his dear children Domenic (Erminia), Diego (Elena), Luigi Antonio (Lisa), Carmelo (Lucy) and Giuseppe (Carmela). Proud nonno to Andrew Diego (Christina), Anne-Marie (Steven), Maria, Diego, Mariella Grazia, Nicholas, Luca and Ariana. Adored bisnonno to Sofia, Giulia and Massimo. He will always be remembered by his siblings Giuseppe, late-Marianna, Maria, Concetta, Grazia and Salvatore. He will be held dear in the hearts of his family, relatives and many friends.
elevated PXetq In memory of Diego Spano, donations can be made out to ShareLife.
elevated PXetq
Sentite condoglianze alla famiglia per la perdita dello zio Diego. 🖤 La nipote Maria Di Prima lo ricorda con tanto affetto!
Sentite condoglianze alla famiglia. Caro zio Diego sarai sempre nel mio cuore.
My deepest sympathy to the whole family of Diego Spano. I will always remember those years I worked then as a caregiver for Diego (and his wife Maria). I witnessed how much love he had for his wife then like pushing his effort to the wheelchair walking in the neighborhood even at his old age and many more of his ways, I won’t forget those loud yelling & screaming during the day & even at night, I won’t forget our gardening days at their backyard once good weather in spring starts, I won’t forget our grocery shoppings at Superstore and asked for a cash back after, I won’t forget those early mornings escaping from me just to get his bingo scratch cards at the convenience store, and will surely not forget the time they took his car key from him ‘coz he bumped his car on the small tree in their front yard at Glen Shields (tree was broken). Yes, Diego may had a big loud mouth, but also truly he had a big soft heart. Thank you, nonno for those big smiles every time I come to see and visit you. All those memories will forever be treasured. Rest now in God’s hands….
Caro zio DIEGO SEI STATO UN, UOMO MOLTO GENTILE . QUANDO VA venivi in Sicilia era una grande festa sopra per la mia mamma zio Diego riposa in pace t voglio bene 🙏🙏🙏🙏
It is with immense sadness that I send my sincerest condolences to the whole Spano family.
Diego or as I’d call him
Mr. Spano is a true Legend
and I am so honored to have had him part of my life. As teenagers back in the St. Claire neighborhood
Dino would often invite us back to his house for a late night bite after a night of galavanting. Mr Spano would greet us with a good loud tongue lashing but would soon join in the fun and laughter,expressing his big heart. Later on I had the pleasure of working with
Domenic at the Superstore and Mr Spano would often come in and loudly summon me to help him choose his fresh fruit and vegetables. I would gladly abide to his requests.
Only the best for Mr.Spano.
When sopresate and sausage season would be on the horizon, Diego would often be coming into the Superstore to remind us when is the big day going to happen. Domenic would put him at ease and explain all the forthcoming procedures. On the big day
Mr. and Mrs. Spano would open up their house on Glen Shields and the unforgettable precious moments would begin. Thanks for everything and Rest in Peace Mr. Spano in
Maria Grazia’s arms
and God’s Love.
Our deepest condolences to your family on the loss of a great family man. May he rest in peace.
Our deepest condolences to the Spano family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Joe and your family. 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️
Our deepest condolences to the family on the passing of Zio Diego. May he rest in eternal peace. May you find comfort in the wonderful memories made.