elevated OGbmO (nee Tomsic)

elevated OGbmO Obituary

elevated OGbmO Passed away peacefully on Sunday, February 5, 2023, after a short illness. Born in Slovenia in 1935, she came to Toronto in 1958 to visit family, where she met Niko (Max) “the love of her life”. They wed two months later and were married for nearly 60 years until Niko’s death in 2018.

elevated OGbmO Loving mother of Vivian (Chris Riehl) and Robert (Liz). Cherished stara mama of Christina (Daniel Klotz), Veronica (Graeme Clark) and Marissa.

elevated OGbmO Elka and Niko started married life in Ottawa where they welcomed Vivian and then moved to Toronto and had their second child, Robert.  They had three significant moves:  Truscott Drive in Clarkson, Glenburnie Road in Mississauga and Hearthstone By The Bay in Toronto.  In 2020, Elka moved to the Villages of Humber Heights.

elevated OGbmO Elka worked for Melitta Canada, Inc. managing the Brewmaster Coffee Centre at Sherway Gardens, and later worked for CIBC.  She was a hard worker, and expected the same from her employees and coworkers.

elevated OGbmO Elka loved to bake and cook and hosted many social gatherings, including birthdays, anniversaries and holidays, with family and friends. She was generous with her children, but especially with her granddaughters.  Both she and Niko never hesitated to babysit them, often dropping everything to help in a pinch.

elevated OGbmO Elka had strong opinions and often shared them with her children and granddaughters, even if they did not want to hear them.

elevated OGbmO In 1996, Niko was assigned to an 18-month project in Santiago, Chile, and Elka went with him.  They had a lovely condo, with beautiful views of the Andes Mountains.  They embraced this change, learning Spanish and taking in the local culture.  The family had the opportunity to visit them there.

elevated OGbmO Elka and Niko loved to travel.  They took many trips, but especially enjoyed cruising.  In 2007, they took the family on a very memorable Mediterranean Cruise, where as expected, many milestones were celebrated. 

elevated OGbmO Elka was a loving, supportive, passionate, no-nonsense woman.  May she rest in peace.

elevated OGbmO Family will welcome visitors on Monday, February 13, at 10:00 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home, 211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill. A Funeral Mass will be held at noon. Reception to follow.

elevated OGbmO In lieu of flowers, remembrances may be made to either the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada or the Humber River Hospital Foundation.

elevated OGbmO Streaming
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