elevated pOltH April 19, 1937 – April 19, 2021
Filippo Antonio Romano – deeply respected and loved, mentor to many and friend to all – died on April 19, 2021 at the age of 84 at his home in Richmond Hill, Ontario surrounded by his loving family.
He will be forever missed by his loving wife Elisa (née Fardella). Cherished by his children Letizia (Nic) and Alfredo (Lisa). Proud Nonno to John-Philip (Teri), Vanessa, Jessica, Alex and Sara. Filippo will be dearly missed by his sister Diletta and reunited in heaven with his parents Addolorata and Alfredo and his siblings Modesto, Gaetano, Domenico, Amalia and Eva. He will be held dear in the hearts of his many nieces and nephews, relatives and many friends.
Filippo will forever be remembered for his passionate determination, tireless generosity, integrity and above all love for family.
elevated pOltH Due to COVID-19, a private mass and funeral will be held on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 1:30 PM. If so desired, in lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Filippo may be made to The Alzheimer’s Society of Canada.
elevated pOltH For those who wish to view this service, please click the link below. Online viewers, please be advised that the link will only go live 10 minutes prior to the service time.
elevated pOltH
Sending Zia, Letizia, Fred and the entire family hugs from our household to yours at this time. Rest in paradise Zio Filippo ❤️
Un grande amico della comunità, un grande amico personale. Condoglianze alla famiglia.
Angelo e Lina Persichilli
My heart breaks for all of the family. Just know in every previous milestone in your lives, he will be there in spirit, for each & everyone in the future:)
That always gives me comfort ❤️❤️
Tribute To Zio Filippo
A very special man once said if you understand death as a final act of giving, of nourishing others, especially your loved ones, that death will bear fruit for every generation that follows for eternity.
As a small boy not four yrs old a very young man, our beloved Uncle Filip came to live with me and our family. It was a very sad time because our own Patriarch to be, my father, was taken from us all too soon. Not having yet developed an intellectual capacity to understand, four year olds can only process tragic events with emotion and innocence. I immediately and instinctively turned to Uncle Filip and his then teenage bride for respite from a grieving and spiritually distraught family. My mother’s indominable strength, like Uncle Filip’s, no doubt comes from her DNA but that DNA can only be expressed and developed in life’s experiences. While my mother developed into a mountain of a human being, solid, immovable, eternal, she only did so on the heels of personal tragedy and with the nourishing love of her family. Enter Uncle Filip.
With vivid recollection, my mother describes her brother’s support in accompanying her countless times to Mt Sinai to see my Father during his illness. He was strong, patient and kind at the most crucial moments. This symbiosis of love and respect carried on for the next six decades indelibly tied by the moment when a young man died and gave over his spirit to us. My own Father’s death gave rise to renewed and lasting courage and love between siblings and their progeny. Being 11 years older than her youngest brother, my mother was also, in difficult times of poverty and absence during a world war, a surrogate mother to Uncle Filip; and so the eternal recurrence of grace continued as uncle Filip became more than an Uncle but also my surrogate Father. I remember all to clearly eagerly waiting at the bedroom door for him and Zia to wake up. On occasion, I’d slip the door open slightly to see a young intimately embraced couple sleeping. It was something normal in a young life rocked by consequence.
A vivacious and beautiful Zia would hold my face in her hands and always say “I want a boy just like you”. Until the younger Freddy came along I was the apple of her eye and I sensed amidst the turbulence of adult life, I was going to be ok.
I remember a privileged place in a little white bungalow in Richmond Hill when Letizia was born. That privilege would continue with Uncle Filip shepherding me as a twelve year old onto
the jobsite at the Manulife Centre. He picked me up every morning often in darkness and taught me the ethic of hard work and perseverance. I also learned how to drink my coffee and be tough when I needed to be. Being at the bottom of the totem pole on a construction site can be very sobering but those life lessons at his hand have never left me to this day. The life lessons would continue as I went to School with his support. More than just jobs, Uncle Filip gave me a discipline of Spirit and leadership which he had in spades. He was also the youngest of his siblings and a culminating force of a family borne from distressed but nutrient rich soil. ‘Earthy’ is only a word in California but for his generation of Romano’s, it defines a very lived and real existence. They were and remain the real deal.
Uncle Filip’s gracious kernels of spirit would continue to drop into my lap through my adult life — he celebrated my special moments harder than most, admonished me when I need it
most, and in our business relationship which has endured, he taught me the meaning of “having metal”. That is never giving up one’s principles no matter the circumstance. Even if you bend, never break. He did this at great personal cost but always with the belief that it was the right thing to do. Immensely proud and at times stubborn, what shone through most about him was his humility. Not a humility of expression but of just being, which cannot be faked. Day in, day out, to live humbly is the mark of a great man.
For me and my brothers, my entire family, our extended family, our tribe, I know I share these sentiments about him because all of us gravitated to him so effortlessly for the same reasons. He leaves us truly loved.
He has given over his spirit to us at the foot of his holy cross. Let us use it wisely and with courage.
If you accept a kernel of corn into the earth and it dies, it bears much fruit. This is a metaphor that we should all live by. Death is a final act of giving.
The man who spoke these words I cited at the beginning and here was Jesus of Nazareth.
Uncle Filip just keeps giving. It defined him.
He is a prayer not from us but from God, one of his best sons.
In that light, a very good friend and wise teacher named Art, taught me that in the end,
I am my Father, I am my Mother.
Today and forever, I am my Uncle.
Alfredo Romano
Zio Filippo,
You were a force, an always- smiling force that changed a room just by being in it. I know your soul is soaring, in the company of your dearly departed brothers and sisters.
My sincerest condolences to Zia, Letizia, Fred and your grandchildren, and every single person you touched with your love and charm.
Rest in peace Zio
My condolences to the Romano family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong.
Dear Zia, Letizia, Fred, and entire Romano family our heartfelt condolences at the passing of Zio Filippo. He was a wonderful man who touched many lives and will be forever remembered
Caro Zio Filippo , tu sei stato per me uno zio esemplare ed anche un fratello maggiore che mi ha dato sempre tanti buoni consigli .
Zio tu hai conquistato il mio rispetto dal primo giorno che ti ho conosciuto , avevi un grande cuore e davi sempre senza uno scopo specifico .
Zio sei stato una persona speciale in ogni aspetto della vita, mi mancherai tanto , ti ricorderò con affetto e pregherò che Dio ti accoglie nelle sue braccia.
Tuo nipote Filippo
Our sincere condolences to the family, our prayers are with you.
Ana Maria & Armando
Dear Elisa and family ,I am truly sorry to hear of your loss .
No one can prepare you for the loss of a beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather. There are no words to take your sadness away, but we’re wishing you all peace,
to bring you comfort, to face the days ahead and all the loving and cherished memories to forever hold in your hearts.
Filippo a true friend , a gentleman , a big hearted men , always being there when needed help.
His love and his spirit will live on, “Love never dies”!
May God Bless you all with love and strength at this difficult time and for Filippo may he rest in peace .
zio loved and lived life to the fullest. He was the happiest when his happiness would be shared with family and friends.
Truly a Romano icon and he will be missed.
our condolence to zia Elisa and family.
Heartfelt condolences to Godmother and family. May you take comfort in each other in this time of loss. Rest in peace Godfather Filippo ♥️
You will be missed the best mentor and boss I ever had,will never forget all you did for me rest in peace you will never be forgotten.
the grand children and all the family. He has been a very special friend: generous, full of life and hard working. We miss him dearly
My sincere condolences to you Zia Lizetta, Letiizia,Fred and all in your families,
Rest in peace Zio Filippo.
Sending our deepest condolences and prayers to Elisa, Letezia, Nic, Fred, Lisa and all the grandchildren. Filippo was a lovely man who was so highly regarded for his passion for family and friends. Your beautiful family is a true testement of that. We will always treasure the times we shared at club and social events. May he rest in peace.
Our deepest condolences to comare Elisa and family.
Da Nannina Frangione, Cathy Cadeirinhas and family
Dear Elisa and family, Our heartfelt condolences for your loss. Filippo was truly an amazing man, full of life and always had a big smile on his face. He will truly be missed.
We are deeply saddened by the loss of Filippo.
He will be truly missed .
Filippo was a great person, an angel in our life.
Our sincere condolences to the Romano family.
Mariano Villar and Mariela Menna
We will always remember Filippo as a leader in our community and a man who commanded attention with his energy, ideas and that infectious smile. Filippo was so welcoming and it didn’t matter what the conversation was, we always found a way to have a laugh together. Filippo will be missed by anyone that had the chance to meet him. Our deepest condolences to the Romano family.
Elisa, Fred, Letizia and family we are saddened to hear of the loss of Fillppo. He was a truly remarkable man with such deep love for his family, and creating memories with them. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. May Fillippo rest in peace.
Our condolences and thoughts are with you all. Rest In Peace Zio Filippo.
Our sincere condolences to you Elisa, Letizia and Alfredo for the loss of your beloved Filippo.
We will always remember Filippo con amore.
Zia Elisa, Letizia and Fred and to the entire family my sincere condolences. I am so saddened to hear the news of Zio Fillippo passing away. He was a great man, a central figure to many childhood memories of extended family get togethers and celebrations. My prayers go out to his family and may his soul rest in peace.
My sincerest condolences to the Romano family.
Rest in peace Filippo.
Dear Elisa,
I was saddened to hear of the passing of your dear Filippo. I want to extend my heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
Filippo was truly a gentleman; generous with both his time and friendship for those fortunate enough to have know him.
Always ready to lend a hand when needed, his smile and positive demeanor was infectious. He presence will be missed but his spirit and love of his family will not be forgotten.
My thoughts and prayers are with you during your time of loss.
Novelia Iafrate
Elisa and family, our deepest condolences on the passing of Filippo.
He was a wonderful man. May God grant him eternal peace.
Our condolences to the Romano family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Antonio and Angelina Giancola
Elisa and family our deepest condolences on the passing of Filippo. He was a wonderful man. May God grant him eternal peace.
I send my condolences to Zia, Letizia and Fred. You will be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Heartfelt condolences to the entire Romano family. May God grant us strength during this difficult time.
Filippo was not only a excellent boss he was like a father to me and a great friend.
Filippo I will miss you dearly however I’m comforted in knowing that you are in a better place.
Love Dave Granston
Our deepest condolences to Lisa,Alfredo,Letizia (un abbracio) and your Families, for this loss in the Family and the Community ,but his mamories will live on with us.Filippo was a stabolizing force in the family and friends,solid judgment and a love for his family,his good work with the Castelpizzuto Community ,caring for others ,this was a person for all Seasons and a lot of fun to be with .we are going to miss him,but his examples,his caring attitude ,love for life will always be with us.May God blessing be with +++Filippo+++
Maria e Danny Caranci
Our deepest condolences to the whole Romano family. We are sorry & sad the world lost a great soul who brought joy & laughter to everyone he met. His wonderful sense of humor was always equal to his love & pride for his family. We will miss him dearly but are so grateful of all the memories he gave us.
Rest in peace Filip,
-You are going to be missed by me and so so so many others. Friday morning coffees 40 min of personal strategy for the upcoming week. This little thing what have forged a deep bond between. You and me. You have insierd me with your go- go go aproche. You been a Legend in life and YOU are are and angel in heaven
Your memories will live on in me for the rest of my life.
Good by my Friend, my Mentoar and my Legend.
Caro Filippo,con grande rammarico ho appreso la notizia della tua scomparsa,e ne sono molto addolorato.Con la presente porgo le piu’ sentite condoglianze a tua moglie Elisa, figlia/o Letizia(Nick),Alfredo(Lisa) e nipoti tutti.
Riposa in pace, requiem eterna.
Gianni Renata Ceschia
Our deepest condolences to Lisa,Letizia,Alfredo(un Abbracio)and your families for this loss in the Family and the Communety,but his memories will live on with us.Filippo was a stabelizinf force in the Communety,solid judgment,love for his Family,his good work for the greater family of Castelpizzuto,Caring for others,this was a person for all Sesons,a lot of fun to be with.We are going to miss him but if you knew him ,part of Filippo will stay with you.The blessing of the Lord be with Filippo.Maria and Danny Caranci
Dear Zia Elisa, Letizia and Fred,
I was so saddened to hear of the loss of your loving husband and father. Please accept our sincere condolences during this difficult period. As painful as this moment may be, hold tight to your loving memories and find comfort in the knowledge that Zio Filippo will always live on in your hearts.
I will always remember you as a friend and a 2nd father.
From the first day I met you, trust and faith in people became
your trademark.
Providing opportunity and encouragement to those around you
continued throughout your life, regardless of the outcome.
Your fearless spirit never waivered and continued to grow
regardless of your age.
May your memories live on in those that were fortunate to have known you.
God Bless your family in this time of sorrow.
Manuel Carneiro & Family
Our deepest condolences to Elisa, Letizia, Fred and families on the loss of your dear Filippo. Our thoughts and prayers with you all.
Joe, Tina , Anthony and Adrian Di Santo
I will always remember Filippo for his gift to connect with people through his sincerity and humour, which inevitably led to a roar of laughter. Jeff and I always enjoyed being in his company. Just seeing him enter the room put a smile on our faces, in anticipation of his warm welcome. He will be missed, but not forgotten. Our deepest condolences and prayers during this painful time.
Elisa and family, our deepest condolences on the passing of
Filippo. He was a wonderful man. May God grant him eternal
We are deeply saddened by the news of Filippos passing. I was lucky enough to work for Filippo for many years. He was compassionate, humble and had a great sense of humour. He would often make me an espresso when I would stop by the office and he would share stories with me. I have the utmost respect for Filippo, he will be greatly missed. His legacy will live on in the many lives he has touched. We are sending prayers to his family and loved ones and hope that all of the memories shared will carry you through this very difficult time.
Our deepest condolences to Zia Elisa, Letizia, Nic, Fred and Lisa and all the grandchildren. He was such a giant, but never made you feel small. We both looked up to Zio as a pillar of strength, family and great knowledge. We loved him so. Rest in peace with your family in heaven.
John and Denisa Bartella
Eliss, Lettizia, Freddy & Family,
It is unimaginable to me that such a special man is no longer with us. Filippo has been both a father and a brother to me throughout my life. We had so many important happy occasions together and he always understood the importance of family and the special little community with an immense heart we came from. Castelpizzuto has been present in our lives since the very day we all left because Filippo would not let us forget and created a social club that brought so much joy.
Filippo, you will be forever be in Adam and Andria’s heart as an important part of their upbringing. May you rest in peace and continue to smile on us from heaven. We will miss you tremendously.
Love, Tony, Nancy, Adam, Andria, Jonathan, Alexander Charlotte & Juliette
Elisa, Letizia, Freddy & Family,
It is unimaginable to me that such a special man is no longer with us. Filippo has been both a father and a brother to me throughout my life. We had so many important happy occasions together and he always understood the importance of family and the special little community with an immense heart we came from. Castelpizzuto has been present in our lives since the very day we all left because Filippo would not let us forget and created a social club that brought so much joy.
Filippo, you will be forever be in Adam and Andria’s heart as an important part of their upbringing. May you rest in peace and continue to smile on us from heaven. We will miss you tremendously.
Love, Tony & Nancy Vacca, Adam, Andria & Family
Dearest Patina Elisa Our deepest condolences to you and your family Patino Filippo was an awesome man always happy to see us it was a joy to visit he always made everyone comfortable and at ease I will always remember him with the greatest of respect and we will miss him!Patina Elisa Be strong and sending you the biggest hug May Patino rest in peace
Zia Lizetta, Letizia and Freddy, my deepest sympathy to all of you and your families on your loss of a remarkable man. Always present and friendly with a contagious laugh that I will always remember. He was an inspiration to all.
Elisa, Letizia, Fred and Family,
May we be of some comfort at this very sad time of your loss. Our prayers are with you.
Filippo was an amazing individual playing a great role in the Community and needless to say very devoted in what ever task he took on. He will be greatly missed.
Our deepest Condolences.
Mario , Lina and Family.
Our deepest sympathy to the Romano family.
Especially to my dear friend Fred. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. May your father rest in peace.
Steven and Luisa Fior
Dearest Eliza, Fred and Lisa, Letizia and Nic, and family,
My heart aches for your loss and that he is no longer with us, Filippo was a father figure, a mentor and a great friend to Dante ,Franca myself and my family for as long as I have known him. Filippo gave me and our family the greatest gift anyone could give, his love, his time and friendship. I will always remember his words of wisdom his generosity and dedication to family and relationships. He will be greatly missed and never forgotten. Rest in peace , Love You
Nick, Taline, Isabella, Christian, Lucas Rossini
This man was truly a legend …and legends never die. A highly respected energy in my life and those around me. Only bringing light and good energy. Peace be with you to the next chapter
You have helped countless people in your lifetime including myself. Giving me the opportunity to shine and I am forever grateful.
Riposa in pace.
Dear Elisa,Letty and Fred, I’m very sorry for the Family Loss. Met Mr Filippo in his down time, but even at those moments i came around to care for him, his spirit was a very willed and strong one. I will surely miss him. Rest on well in the Lord. May the Lord console the entire family and be with you all always. Amen.
Love from your PSW Yetty.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Elisa, Letizia, Alfredo and all family members during this very difficult time. Filippo was like a second father to me and he will live on in the hearts of all who knew him.
Our deepest sympathies to Zia Elisa, Letizia, Fred and family. He was a great man with a wonderful compassionate heart. He will be sorely missed. Our thoughts, hugs and prayers are with you all.
Margherite, Pasquale, Sal, Nic
Fred, Lisa, Nic & Lettizia, we are extremely saddened and sorry for your loss.
Love Brad & Kristin
Wishing you peace, comfort, courage in the coming days and memories to carry you through these diffcult times.
Our deepest condolences, Zio Filippo may you rest in peace.
With love,
Eugene, Marie, Stefano, Jaclyn Romano and family.
We love you very much Zio Filippo, your big strong hugs, your stories (the funny ones and the important lesson ones). You have blessed our lives in so many ways, you will always be remembered and celebrated. Love you forever.
Gaetano & Angela
Our sincere condolences to you Signora Romano, Letiizia, Alfredo and all of your family. Filippo was a wonderful man and he will be missed by everyone that was blessed to have known him.
May you rest in peace
Zia Elisa, Letizia and Fred and family
I was so saddened to hear of the loss of your loving husband and father. Please accept our sincere condolences during this difficult period.
My wife and I are so sorry for your loss. We knew Filippo through our friends Tony and Nancy Vacca. We attended may parties at the Castel Pizzuto Social Club where we enjoyed Filippo’s company. He was always smiling and joking around. He had a good attitude about life and lived it to the fullest. He is with God now and forever in our hearts.
Mario and Mariann Pincivero
Condolences to Romano Elisa, Letizia, Alfredo and family. Filippo will always be remembered. May he rest in peace. From Pina, Vito Vacca and family.
Caro compare Filippo, ci hai lasciato troppo presto. sei stato un uomo guida per la tua famiglia, gli amici e la comunita`. Per me sei stato e lo continuerai ad essere un punto di riferimento durante la mia vita. I tuoi consigli sono stati di grande aiuto, ci siamo rispettati e voluto bene non ti dimentichero` mai .
Ti voglio bene. A commare Elisa un affettuoso abbraccio da me e Gina e le piu sentite condoglianze alla famiglia intera.
Over his 84 years, Filippo touched the lives of many – family, friends, paesani and business associates. He will forever be remembered as a founder of the Castelpizzuto Social Club over 40 years ago. As I worked with him over the many years as a member of the executive committee, I was always impressed with his strength of character and determination and his ability to reunite the community of Castelpizzuto who came to Canada to seek a better life in a new land but wanting to keep their traditions alive.
Bruna and I offer our sincerest condolences to Elisa for her unwavering dedication to Filippo and his dreams; to Letizia and Alfredo for their support of Filippo and of course, to the grandchildren that Filippo adored and gave purpose to his dreams.
Filippo, may you rest in peace.
My deepest condolences to Romano family. I am very fortunate to have worked with Filippo, the most approachable and kind man. At age of 82 Filippo walked 42 floors by stairs every day! In my eyes he set a perfect example of how motivation leads to success.
Elisa, Letizia, Nic, Fred, Lisa and Family,
We are deeply saddened and sorry for your loss. We knew Filippo as a neighbor for many years. He always shared a warm smile with each hello. Filippo lived a good life surrounded by many who loved him very much. You are left with blessings he has shared throughout his life, these will be cherished forever.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless Filippo and your family.
John, Natalie, Robert, Nicolette and Christopher
It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to my dear cousin Filippo.
I cannot imagine not seeing you around anymore.
We had some good times together, at work and outside work. I remember our daily 3pm espresso coffee drinking at the office nearby bar.
You were a great person, smart, kink and full of wisdom, I learned a lot from you.
I will not forget you and I will miss you.
May God bless your soul and rest in peace.
Fernando and Family
to the Romano Family We are so sorry to hear of the passing of Filippo Our deepest condolences to all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time, May he rest in peace. Iria & Giovanni Giancola
Our deepest condolences from Domenic and Carmela Meffe and family🙏
My sincerest condolences to the entire Romano’s family on the sad occasion of Filippo passing. He was a man we all respected. He played a major role in establishing Castelpizzuto Social Club which we all enjoyed for that we are especially grateful. His departure constitutes a great loss. He shall always remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Dear Mrs Romano, Fred, Letitzia, Lisa, Nic and family,
I would like to extend my deepest condolences for the passing of Mr Romano.
He was such a caring, kind and wonderful man who touched so many lives! I will always remember his beautiful smile and his graciousness with my attempts to speak Italian during our family gatherings. His life’s work and enduring legacy will live on in his beloved children and grandchildren.
May the beautiful memories and love you shared sustain you in this difficult time. God needed him in heaven to continue building his angelic Kingdom!
Your are in my heart and in my prayers.
Much love,
Nicole 🖤
We were very sad to hear about the passing of Zio Fillipo. Although he was not our zio, when Mike met Fillipo working for Rampart Enterprises in 1980 it was not too long after dealing with him that he became Zio. He was a loving respectful hardworking and family man. We will cherish all the happy memories and business related encounters and fabulous discussions over lunches. Rest In Peace. Our sincere condolences to the family, Mike and Nella Loconte
We send our condolences to the Romano families. E was a great man and e good friend. may e Rest In Peace . From Tony Cerasuolo and Families.🙏
Caro Padrino , la notizia della tua scomparsa lascia in me un vuoto profondo . È difficile trovare le parole giuste per descrivere l’affetto che hai sempre avuto per me e il legame così forte e bello che ci univa . Grazie per l’esempio che mi hai dato e per i valori che ho sempre visto in te . Sei stata una persona straordinaria , carica di energia e di determinazione , un grande lavoratore , una persona che si è realizzata con tanti sacrifici raggiungendo risultati importanti . Non dimenticherò mai il tuo sorriso , le nostre lunghe chiacchierate , le gite fatte insieme e quel mondo nuovo e così diverso , l’America , che tu mi hai fatto scoprire .
I ricordi dei momenti vissuti insieme e delle cose che ci siamo detti restano in me come un segno indelebile. Un abbraccio forte alla tua bellissima famiglia , alla madrina Elisa , a Letizia ed Alfredo. Grazie padrino per tutto quello che sei stato per me . Ti porto nel cuore e so che anche da lassù per me ci sarai sempre .
Dear Lisa, and family,
deeply saddened to learn of the passing of your dear Filippo.
We have fond memories of good times spent together over the years, may these memories be of comfort to you in these difficult times. May he rest in peace.
Alfio and Agata Tomassini
Se qualcuno dovesse dirvi che Filippo Romano ci ha lasciati, dovete rispondere che non è vero, perché egli resterà sempre nei nostri cuori. Un fraterno abbraccio per tutti particolarmente per la comare Elisa . Peppino caranci e famiglia