elevated WkwXN July 24, 1932 – March 26, 2022
elevated WkwXN Visitation
Thursday March 31, 2022 from 11:30am to 1:30pm
elevated WkwXN Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6
elevated WkwXN Funeral Mass – Chapel of St. Joseph (within the Funeral Home)
Thursday March 31, 2022 at 1:30pm
elevated WkwXN Click here to watch Mass
elevated WkwXN Interment
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
8361 Yonge Street, Thornhill, ON, L3T 2C7
elevated WkwXN Obituary
elevated WkwXN It is with great sadness we announce the passing of George Frank Mueller on Saturday March 26, 2022 surrounded by his family.
elevated WkwXN George was a devoted husband to Eva for 65 years and a loving father to son Terry and his wife Nancy Cronyn.
elevated WkwXN
Terry my condolences on the loss of your father. You have been such a devoted son to him.
Terry and Nancy my deepest condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
My condolences to you, Terry, Nancy and your Mom! May this time of grief be gentle and may the Eternal Spirit of Love accompany you on your journey forward.
Liebe Eva Terry und Nancy. Unser herzliches Beileid zum Tod von George. Wir trauern mit euch und sind dankbar für die lange Zeit die er mit euch verbringen durfte. Herzliche Grüße aus Duermentingen
hello, If you want to see the mass you can go into the website we sent to you earlier
Our condolences to Eva, Terry and Nancy on the loss of a husband and a father.
The Model A Ford club in Toronto, will remember all the good times
we had with George, at our Old car functions. He will be really missed.
Rest in peace George !
My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Sending prayers of support and love Barbara
Terry and Nancy our hearts go out to you. We send you condolences, energy, care, support, and love.
May he go for the brightest light.
Liebe Tante Eva, lieber Terry mit Nancy,
-over the ocean- wir sind sehr traurig über den Tod von unserem lieben George, aber auch dankbar, dass wir 2018 noch viele schöne Tage mit ihm -und dir Terry- hier bei uns erleben durften, wir haben viel gelacht und auch geweint, so werden wir ihn immer in lieber Erinnerung behalten.
Seid alle gegrüßt, wir sind in Gedanken bei euch!!!
Lieber Terry und liebe Nancy,
Wir möchten euch unser herzliches Beileid zum Tode von George aussprechen. Es ist immer schlimm einen geliebten Menschen zu verlieren. In Gedanken sind wir in dieser Zeit bei euch. Wir wünschen euch viel Kraft und Zuversicht in diesen Tagen.
Ganz liebe Grüße von Helga, Georg, Marina und Marius Müller
My condolences to Eva, Terry and Nancy .
I always looked up to George as a Guardian. He was always ready to give a helping hand.He was such a humble man.
May God bless you all with peace and love during this time of sadness.
Helga, Georg, Marina und Marius Müller
Dear Terry and dear Nancy,
We would like to offer you our heartfelt condolences on the death of George. It’s always hard to lose a loved one. Our thoughts are with you during this time. We wish you a lot of strength and confidence in these days.
Kind regards from Helga, Georg, Marina and Marius Müller
Terry and Nancy. We send you our condolences and our love. Linda and Nancy.
Liebe Eva, lieber Terry und Nancy,
mein herzlichstes Beileid zum Tod Eures lieben Ehemanns und Vaters.
Eine liebe und sehr geschätzte Person fehlt. Wir erinnern uns sehr gerne an seinen letzten Besuch (und an die große Geduld von Terry), als wir bei uns einen so schönen Abend verbringen durften. Wie hat George damals uns alle mit seinen detaillierten Erinnerungen und seinen humorvollen Geschichten aus seiner Jugendzeit überrascht und unterhalten! Es war ein schönes Erlebnis und wir gingen mit fröhlichen Lachen, aber auch mit großer Wehmut auseinander.
So werden wir den lieben Verstorbenen in Erinnerung behalten und wünschen Ihm von Herzen die ewige Ruhe und Euch viel Kraft in diesen schweren Stunden.
In herzlicher Verbundenheit
Marita Künzelmann und Familie
My sincere condolences to Eva, Terry and Nancy. My thoughts are with you in these difficult times.
With George’s passing our little Bromton community lost a good neighbour, good friend and a good man. We’ll miss him dearly.
Terry; My condolences on the passing of your father. You have been blessed to have had your father in your life for so long. He must have been so proud of you. Having been through this myself I know how difficult it can be to not have him near by when you wish to speak with him. His memory and legacy will live on through you.
My sincerest sympathy at this difficult time.
“When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure”
With deep sadness we heard of your loss and our hearts and thoughts are with you.
We’re thankful to have met you all in Duermentingen and really enjoyed the time with you.
We’re thinking about you, wishing you comfort and peace.
Sebastian, Sabrina with Alexander and Christina + Johannes
Dear Terry, nancy and Mrs. Mueller,
please accept my deepest sympathies.
Love and condolences to you all.
Jane Carroll
All the best to you all, Eva, Terry and Nancy in this time of loss. In my experience, a real void is left when one we love dies. It seems so final and everyone is so unique. I’ve appreciated learning some of the things about George that Nancy has shared that were not known. He was a very giving human being. Love to you all. George will be missed.
Love Debbie
Dear Terry, Please accept my deepest sympathies with the passing of your father. Losing a parent leaves an empty place in one’s heart. My prayers and thoughts are with you during your time of loss.