elevated wCQOA January 24, 1926 ~ June 9, 2020

elevated wCQOA  

elevated wCQOA Obituary

elevated wCQOA It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Giovanni, on Monday, June 8, 2020, in Toronto, Ontario at the age of 94. Beloved husband of Angela.  Loving father of Alfonzo Criminisi and his wife Sandra and Pino Criminisi.  Adored grandfather of John Criminisi and his wife Jessica and Stephanie Criminisi and her fiancée Giuliano Viola.  Giovanni is predeaced by his dear siblings Giuseppe, Salvatore, Antonio, Carmelo, Concetta and Calogera.  Dear brother-in-law of Assunta Serrao and her late husband Gioachino, Conetta and Dino Serrao, Maria Sardo and her late husband Gaetano, Vincenza and Vincenzo Mattina, Salvatore and Mirella Mattina, Dina and Freten Mattina and Giovanna Criminisi and her late husband Carmelo.

elevated wCQOA In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Toronto Humane Society    https://secure.torontohumanesociety.com/site/Donation2;jsessionid=00000000.app20023b?df_id=1600&mfc_pref=T&1600.donation=form1&NONCE_TOKEN=D623238A08FEC7FADE94D5EDF5C9E2AE or to the Heart and Stroke Foundation   https://www.heartandstroke.ca/get-involved/donate.  

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