elevated GNzjA Obituary:
elevated GNzjA Amado, Juan Martin – Passed away peacefully with his loving family by his side on October 8, 2021 after a courageous battle with illness. Devoted husband of Mary for almost 48 years. Loving father of Martin and Madge. Cherished grandfather to Martenn, Marteen, and Selena. Dear brother to Mildred, Constanza, Oswaldo, Yvonne, Pilar, Rigo, Victor, and Maria. Will be missed by many, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends all around the world.
elevated GNzjA Juan Amado was a gentle man with a beautiful soul.
elevated GNzjA Visitation:
elevated GNzjA A visitation will be held on Monday, October 11th, 2021 from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m at Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home. Due to Covid-19 capacity restrictions, we are inviting family and friends to pay their respects, offer condolences, pray and then kindly exit the building to allow for others to enter. A maximum of 30 people will be permitted into the visitation room at a time. If there is no line up of people, visitors can stay as long as they want.
elevated GNzjA To access Holy Cross Funeral Home, please come from Bayview Avenue. Turn into Langstaff Road from Bayview Avenue. You will see an entrance into Holy Cross off of Langstaff Rd. When you enter Holy Cross, drive down the road to a four way stop, make a left to reach the funeral home. Please see the map that is attached.
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elevated GNzjA Private Mass:
elevated GNzjA An invitation-only funeral mass will take place on Tuesday, October 12th, 2021 @10:30 a.m. at Holy Cross Funeral Chapel due to capacity restrictions.
elevated GNzjA To view the mass online, please click the link below.
elevated GNzjA Burial:
elevated GNzjA All are welcome to the burial that will take place at Christ the King Catholic Cemetery following the mass.
elevated GNzjA Christ the King Cemetery is located at 7770 Steeles Avenue East in Markham. Please note that the entrance to the cemetery is NOT from Steeles Avenue. If you are coming east on Steeles, make a left (North) on Reesor Road. The entrance to the cemetery is at 7111 Reesor Road. Juan’s burial site is in Section 13. Please see the map that is attached.
elevated GNzjA
elevated GNzjA Please note: Proof of vaccination requirement DO NOT apply to funeral services, but masks are mandatory.
elevated GNzjA Streaming:
elevated GNzjA Click Here to View the Mass
elevated GNzjA High Resolution Maps:
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Mis Condolencias Mary y Familia
Juancito gran amigo Descansa en la Presencia del Padre Gratos recuerdo compartidos durante largos años Te llevo en mi corazón
Que Brille la Luz Perpetua para ti
To our beloved uncle Juan. You were a special human being. Meek, generous, kind and always willing to extend a helping hand. Our Heavenly Father called you home. You are now rejoicing in the presence of our Lord Jesus. To our aunt Mary, cousins Martin and Madge, to the grand kids, our prayers are with you. May you find peace and comfort in Christ. He may grant you the peace that surpasses all understanding. We love you.
My deepest condolences to the Amado family. I have never met a man like my Tio Juan. Truly a great loss for everyone who had the pleasure to have known him. His sacrifices and kindness will always be remembered. We will miss you Tio Juan but I know you’ll be watching over all of us from heaven.
Nuestras condolencias a la familia Amado. Nuestro tio Martin fue muy querido por todos nosotros. Dios de resignacion a su esposa, hijos y hermanis. Que en paz descanse.
Reciban nuestras condolencias, el tio Martin fue muy querido por todos nosotros
Un cariñiso salydo a su esposa e hijis.
Que en paz descanse
Reciban nuestras condolencias, el tio Martin fue muy querido por todos nosotros
Un cariñiso saludo a su esposa e hijos
Que en paz descanse
Que Dios lo tenga en su gloria y brille la luz perpetua para su alma siempre! Nuestras más sentidas condolencias a mi tía Mery, primos y familia. Presentes desde Inglaterra.
Mamá Violeta Vda de De la Cruz , hijos y nietos
Marita, en este momento de gran dolor no tengo más que palabras de amor y acompañamiento para ti y tus hijos Martin y Madre.
Lo despediremos con tristeza, pero con la firme convicción de que ha sido un ser maravilloso que ha dejado un gran recuerdo en nuestros corazones
Recibe un fuerte abrazo de toda mi familia y nuestras sentidas condolencias, ya Martín está gozando de la Gloria de Dios y oraremos por su eterno descanso 🙏✝️🙏
To Mary Amado and children’s Matin, Madge
My deepest condolences of the losses of Mr Juan Amado. He was a wonderful person and such a beautiful soul. He was very happy person kind and loving and full of life!!! May he Rest In Peace with god and always!!!
Sincerely Enza Malandrino and family
Querida tia Mary e hijos la acompañamos en pensamiento y oraciones. Recordando con cariño a too Martin. Descanse en paz .
Marty our deepest condolences to you and your family, your Father is in better hands now and watching over the family.
Un fuerte abrazo mi hermano
Tía querida. Lo sentimos mucho. Nuestro más sentido pésame a toda la familia, a mis primos. Un gran beso. Estamos orando por ustedes y por el tio Martin. Lalita esta con el y van a velar siempre por ustedes.
Los queremos mucho.
Querida madrina, mi padrino, ahora ya estas junto a nuestro señor, lo queremos mucho, estamos orando por mi padrino, y para que Dios les de fortaleza y resignación a ud y a mis primos. Los queremos mucho
Mis sinceras condolencias para su familia. El señor Juan está en buenas manos en el cielo descansando!
Que dios les de la fortaleza a su familia.