elevated J0W7Z March 2, 1963 ~ October 29, 2022
elevated J0W7Z Funeral Service
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elevated J0W7Z Obituary
It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of Kevin Kirkpatrick, at the age of 59 on Saturday, October 29, 2022 after a brief but courageous battle with cancer. He was the proud and loving father, along with Tania, to Kristian (Kaitlyn), and Nicholas. Brother to Wayne, and Gary (Marcella). Kevin was a devoted father, pilot, instructor and friend, known for his larger than life personality.
I will always treasure the memories of when I meet Kevin,Tania, Christian and Nicholas. I remember the Sunday afternoon having coffee and sweets at our place with our other friends from Jamaica. Lovely moments to cherish!
Kevin moved to Dubai but I believe his heart was always close to Tania and the boys. Tania often talked about Kevin’s with sparkles in her eyes.
Rest In Peace Kevin you will always be in your loved ones heart!
Rest in Peace mi Friend ! Will remember you everyday !
Tania, Christian and Nicholas we are sorry for your great loss. Kevin will forever live in your heart. May he R.I.P.
Tania, I always kept up to date with you guys via Gary. When Kevin went to Dubai, when you went on the cruise & when Kevin returned. Gary & I had just finished speaking when Kevin texted him regarding his situation. When I heard I tried your old number but it was no longer in service & didn’t know how to get in touch with you. Please accept our deepest condolences. We pray that you & the boys find comfort & peace knowing Kevin is now safely in God’s hands. Lots of love & prayers, Gary & Joy.