elevated 2RB3B January 2, 1945 ~ June 14, 2020

elevated 2RB3B Funeral Service

elevated 2RB3B Friday, June 19, 2020

elevated 2RB3B Private – By invitation to a limited number of guests only.

elevated 2RB3B Obituary

elevated 2RB3B It is with great sadness we announce the passing of our devoted father, grandfather, brother and uncle, Kyoung-Soo Cha, age 75, on Sunday, June 14, 2020 at Toronto General Hospital surrounded by his wife and children.

elevated 2RB3B Husband of loving wife Kyoung-Hee Cha (nee Moon) for nearly 47 years. Cherished father of Lucia HyunJong Cha (Allen Lau) and Michael HyunSuk Cha (Wendelene Ng), grandfather or “habbi” of Julia, Andrew, Austin, Samantha and Emma.

elevated 2RB3B Kyoung-Soo was the son of the late Ji-Young Cha and the late Heong-Soon Park, brother of Kyoung-Jae Cha, Kyoung-Ran Cha and Kyoung-Ho Cha.  Kyoung-Soo was born in Seoul, South Korea on January 2, 1945.  He married Kyoung-Hee in Seoul in 1973 and they immigrated to Canada in 1975.

elevated 2RB3B They settled in the Town of Markham in 1983 and owned and operated Centennial Variety. He was well known in his neighbourhood, it brought him great happiness seeing generations of Markham residents return with their families to receive small handfuls of Big Toe candy or Caramel Squares.  He touched the lives of many people and he loved the community of Markham.

elevated 2RB3B Kyoung-Soo was always grateful for the opportunites that Canada provided his family, it has been his home for the past 45 years.

elevated 2RB3B He enjoyed spending time with his family, exercising at the YMCA and being in nature.

elevated 2RB3B There will be a private funeral service for the family.  When it is safe to do so, the Cha family will hold an interment of ashes service. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations made in memory of Kyoung-Soo to the Toronto General Hospital Foundation would be appreciated or send an online condolence message.

elevated 2RB3B Korean Obituary

elevated 2RB3B 저희 가족의 헌신적이신 남편, 아버지, 할아버지, 형제, 삼촌 이였던 고 차경수님께서 2020년 6월 14일 , 향년 75세로 토론토 제너럴 병원에서 가족들의 품안에서 별세하셨습니다.

elevated 2RB3B 유가족 으로는, 47년을 같이하신 부인 차경희씨, 장녀 차현종 과 남편 Allen Lau, 차남 차현석과 부인 Wendelene Ng 그리고 손주들로 줄리아, 앤드류, 어스틴, 싸만싸, 에마 가 있습니다.

elevated 2RB3B 고 차경수님은 1945년 1월2일 부모님 차지영 박흥순씨 사이에서 태어나셨고, 형제로는 차경재, 차경란, 차경호 씨가 계십니다.   1973년 서울에서 부인 차경희씨와 결혼 하셨고, 1975년 캐나다로 이민 오셨습니다.

elevated 2RB3B 두분은 1983년부터 마캄에서 거주하셨고 센테니얼 버라이어티 스토어를 운영하셨습니다.  주변 이웃들에게도 명망이 있으셨고, 지역 주민들에게 애정이 많으셨고,  지역 사회에서 같이 행복해하셨습니다.

elevated 2RB3B 고인은 가족들과 함께 시간 보내시는걸 즐기셨고, YMCA 와 주변의 아름다운 공원에서 운동하시는것을 즐기셨습니다.

elevated 2RB3B 고인은 지난 45년간 캐나다에서 가족들과의 생활에 긍지가 많으셨습니다.

elevated 2RB3B 장례식은 가족장으로 간략히 치뤄집니다.  Covid 19 사태가 조금이나마 안정화가될때까지 봉안은 잠시 연기되겠습니다.

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