elevated YhasQ With heartfelt sadness, our family announces the peaceful passing of Maria Nacci at Hill House Hospice in Richmond Hill, July 13, 2021 at the age of 90. Born in Cisternino, Italy in 1930 to the late Angelo and Maria-Gesu Perrini. She will now be reunited with the love of her life, husband Cosimo, after 21 years of missing him, as well as her beloved parents and siblings. Maria was cherished mother of 5 children: Caterina Pereira (Rui), Francesco Nacci (Rita), Angelo Nacci (Gabriella), Marino Nacci (Eleanora), and Josie Nacci (Attilio). Dear nonna of Dino (Randi), Amanda (Sebi), Christian (Alessandra), Natasha, Laura, Marco, Ivan, Sofia and Noah. Adoring bisnonna of Lorenzo, Leonardo, Matteo, Francesca, Anthony, Lev, Dar and Ozi.
elevated YhasQ Due to COVID, a private mass and funeral will be held on Saturday, July 17, 2021 at 12:00 PM. If desired, donations can be made to Hill House Hospice.
elevated YhasQ For those who wish to view this service, please click the link below. Online viewers, please be advised that the link will only go live 10 minutes prior to the service time.
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Please Click Here to View the Funeral Mass
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Blessings to the family of Maria Nacci as you honour the life of this wonderful person.
I had the honour for several years of meeting with Maria several times a week at an aquafit class. We soon became close friends. I appreciated her beautiful smile, her warmth, her wisdom and her many proud and loving stories of her family. I visited her in her home often where there was always coffee, homemade cookies and a warm welcome. My memories of Maria will always bring a smile as I remember a beautiful soul. May she rest in peace.
Sono Lena di zia Annina.
Solo adesso ho letto il messaggio che Giacomo mi aveva mandato alle 16,30.
Sono molto dispiaciuta per non aver assistito alla messa di zia Maria.
Condoglianze a tutti quanti voi cugini ed un abbraccio di vero cuore a voi tutti.
Che il Signore la faccia riposare in pace.
To all the Nacci family, Francesco, Caterina Angelo, Marino, Josie,
Our deepest sympathy to all of you in passing of your dear mother
may she rest in peace.
Con profonda commozione abbiamo assistito alla santa messa per la nostra cara zia maria che possa riposare in pace ma resterà per sempre nei nostri cuori. condoglianze a tutti voi cari cugini vittoria e giacomo
To the Nacci,
Our condolences for your loss. I always fondly Camara Nacci beautiful smile and welcoming spirit.
Eternal rest grant unto here, O Lord and let Perpetual light shine upon Maria. May her soul Rest In Peace. Amen!