elevated BmcAh August 9, 2021
elevated BmcAh Visitation
Monday, August 16, 2021 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM EST
elevated BmcAh Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6
elevated BmcAh With COVID restrictions 50 people will be permitted at a time.
elevated BmcAh Funeral Mass
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 10:30 AM EST
elevated BmcAh Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Parish
elevated BmcAh 21 Simonston Blvd, Thornhill, ON L3T 4R6
elevated BmcAh Limited capacity due to COVID restrictions.
elevated BmcAh Interment
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
elevated BmcAh Obituary
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Michael Chung on August 9, 2021 as result of a ruptured aneurysm in the brain. Beloved husband of Christina, loving father to Lori (Garret) and Patricia (Robert), proud Gong Gong of Isabelle, Jacob, Matthew and Nicholas. Michael will be remembered as a kind, honest, caring and fiercely loyal man. He was a hard worker who always provided for and put the needs of his family first. He will be deeply missed by his extended family and friends and his spirit will live on in all who loved him.
elevated BmcAh In lieu of flowers, the family prefers donations to be made in Michael’s honour to Sharelife. https://sharelife.org/
elevated BmcAh
Michael will be missed by all of us as a dedicated long time member of our parish and a lover of over size dogs in our neighborhood! The father of 2 lovely piano girls who played at 9 oclock Mass. Husband of a wife who had given out Hosts for many years at Good Sheppard
My prayers and thoughts go out to Christine, as a long time Minister of Communion at Good Shepherd Parish.
Please accept my sincere condolences on the death of Mike.
Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss. Trust Michael will always be with us. Great blessings to Michael and all of you! With light and love !
We will very much miss Michael. He was a true gentleman, a wonderful in-law to our family, and an exemplary family man. We had the privilege of knowing Michael for only a few years. He had a down to earth intellect when speaking to you even though Michael taught at the highest educational level in Canada. Michael also had the rare ability to link in a positive way, far-flung families and communities. Lastly, Michael and Christina provided us with an inspiring example of true partnership and family support commitment.
I first met Michael, my brother-in-law, in Hong Kong when I was a lost teenager. After he got married with my sister Christina, they moved to US Iowa as a foreign student. I was one myself too at the time but on the east coast in New York. In the summer of 1979, I visited him during a cross country road trip with 5 other classmates cramped in a rental Thunderbird. Being all foreign students, we tried to save money and only stayed in motels every other night. But Michael was kind enough to open his door for all 6 of us. The conversations we had that evening inspired and benefited me throughout the remaining of my college days.
Since then, we hardly seen each other as he immigrated to Calgary Canada and started his family there. But from time to time, I still went to him for advice. As a CFA and an avid rare coins and currency collector, Michael knew what value is versus glamorous-packaging. This can be attested by the type of cars he owned. But in terms of his love for classical music, Michael refused to listen to CDs that were original. The cables for his stereo often cost more than my entire systems! That’s how dedicated he was.
Michael loved his family and his dogs. He was a great husband, father, grandfather and a respected educator. He will be missed!
Sincere condolences to you all; you’re in our thoughts & prayers. Remembering Michael as a friendly faithful parishioner.
Toni & Mike McDermott
August 10, 2021
第一次在香港認識他,感覺他不多言,但踏實,深慶Cris這妹子找到一個實在的終生付托;婚後,他倆移民加拿大,見面及交往少了,跟隨的十多年,反與博文父親宗伯在港多見面傾談,不期然將宗伯這硬漢子的形象及影子,轉移到長子博文身上,like father like son,這是我對博文認識的第一階段。
之後又十数年,期間我們到紐約/多倫多探親旅行時,或短住於博文家,或探訪同進晚飯;見博文的工作是埋頭在書房的書籍及試卷中,偶有交談幾句對大學教書,及與學生交流的苦與樂;還有是照顧家中的大狗,知我倆怕狗,便將狗留在屋外;其中談得較多的,是博文對音樂及音響效果質素的講究,帶領我們去了解廳中的各項音響器材,及有”感情”的接線等等,很多我們不明白,但欣賞他的一絲不苟及堅持;此外,博文也享受品酒,不深嗜,點到即止,我也趁工作出差之便,在機場免税店,為他帶來我這不懂酒的外行人認為是好的”好酒”;又常談到他喜愛的健身運動 – 站樁、打太極,…… ,這些都是第二階段認識的點滴。
近十年我退休後,加上母親在2015前的病,到紐約(兼多倫多)次数頻密了;回想過往,在紐約無論有什麽家庭聚會,博文都老遠從多倫多驅車而來,不遺餘力的支持兩個在多倫多的妹子,出席在纽約的家庭活動;同樣,博文的出現也是不會多言,但有問有答,點到即止,拍團體照時,永遠站在旁邊的位置,而不會去搶光,進餐時也陪着家人之後;隨着各外孫的來臨,博文也胼手胝足的在幫忙女兒,支持女婿 ……..;這第三階段的感覺,使我知道博文妻女的幸福,有這愛家的丈夫/父親。
My sincere sympathy to Christina and all the family. Hold your memories close. Family and friends will give you support through this very difficult time. Regards Grace from the knitting group.
Christina you and the family are very much in our thoughts and prayers.
May Michael Rest In Peace and rise with Christ in Glory.
Wimsy and Edna
Carol and I send our sincere condolences to you Christina, Lori, Patricia and family. Your loss is immense and we are so sorry. Michael will not be forgotten. We hold you in our hearts and prayers.
Heartbreaking of a loss to our sincere friend.Michael is always so true kind and gentle,we miss you.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Christina, Lori, Patricia and family. Sincere condolences to you all. Warmest Regards from Christine, Benjamin, Solomon & Ronald
Sincere condolences to you all ! Michael taught me a lot during my visits to Canada. He will be missed.
Words seem too small to express the sadness we feel from his untimely passing. He was a good and kind man and we are honored and blessed to have known him. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Yours truly, Rosa and Paulina
Sincere condolences to the family of Michael.