elevated 4OQc7 March 22, 1954 ~ August 3, 2022
elevated 4OQc7 Visitation
Sunday, August 7, 2022, from 4:00 – 8:00 PM
Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, Ontario, L3T 3Z6
elevated 4OQc7 Funeral Mass
Monday, August 8, 2022, at 10:30 a.m.
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
elevated 4OQc7 For those unable to attend the Funeral Mass, you may watch via live stream by clicking HERE
elevated 4OQc7 Obituary
Vita Ingraldi passed peacefully on Wednesday, August 3, 2022. Her memory will be carried in the hearts of her loving husband Pietro, her beloved sons Aldo (Meghan), Daniel (Jennifer), and Justin (Aaron), and her cherished grandchildren Penelope and Elio.
Vita will be remembered for her calm compassion and warmth she offered to everyone around her. She was a generous and empathetic friend; a dedicated and proud teacher who worked tirelessly for her students; a devoted daughter, sister, aunt, niece, and cousin; a life-long learner, serial reader, avid theatre-goer, patron of the arts, and dedicated community volunteer. The meticulous effort and creativity she applied to newly imagined family games made every occasion special. Vita had a natural and genuine curiosity about life and the world around her and enriched the lives of everyone she met. Vita imparted to her children the values, virtues, and morals she modeled and lived by every day of her life. Few words can fully reflect the impact of who she was and what she meant to everyone who knew her. She will be dearly missed.
elevated 4OQc7 In lieu of flowers, you may donate to your Charity of choice.
Dear Dina and Family. Sam and I want to express our deepest condolences and we hope that God gives you all the strength to get through this time of tremendous sadness.
Our sincere condolences and heartfelt sympathy to all of you with the passing of your dear mother and wife, Vita. We will always remember the kindness and warmth of Vita’s presence on the corner of our street tending to her garden. We will miss her beautiful smile and gentle presence. May she Rest In Peace.
My deepest Condolences to you Dina and to your extended family.
I hope you all find strength and comfort in memories you have of your dear sister. May she rest in eternal peace🙏🏻
Dear Josey and family,
Bob and I extend our thoughts and prayers to you and your family on the passing of your lovely sister, Vita. May your wonderful memories of her sustain you. R.I.P. Vita
Dear Josey,
Carol and I extend our condolences and heart felt sympathies to you and your family on the passing of your sister Vita. You’re in our family’s thoughts and prayers. R.I.P. Vita🙏🏻
Dear Dina and Family,
May your happy memories give you peace and comfort during this challenging time. Praying for you and your family during this difficult time.
Vita sei stata una donna meravigliosa è rimarrai per sempre nei nostri cuori, ché il Signore ti accolga tra le sue braccia. A Pietro, Aldo, Daniel e Justin il nostro abbraccio grande con le nostre più sentite condoglianze. Giovanna e Giuseppe Nicolosi
Dear Dina and family
My sincerest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your beloved sister Vita. Her memories will live on forever. Thinking of you
I am absolutely heart broken to hear about the loss of Vita.
Anyone who has ever met her knows what a special person she was.
Always caring, sharing and especially loving.
May your memories give you peace and comfort during this challenging time.
My sincere condolences to you all.
Dear Dina and Family. Thinking about You during this very difficult time. Our Heartfelt Condolences to you Dina and your Entire Family. Your Beautiful Sister Vita will be deeply missed but never forgotten 💖
My sincerest condolences to Vita’s family. I worked with Vita at Silver Lines PS many years ago. She was so welcoming, so caring, always with a smile. She was so proud to share about her beautiful family and would always ask about mine. She was a true gem.
Dear Josey,
We would all like to extend our sincere condolences to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Dear Dina and family,
Our heartfelt condolences for the loss of your sister Vita. We will always remember her gentle soul and beautiful smile. May your sister’s spirit and memories bring you and your family comfort during this time of healing.
Dear Dina and family
My heartfelt condolences to you and your extended family on the loss of your dear sister. I am so happy to have met her at the wedding. I thought she was so lovely. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. May cherished memories bring you moments of comfort. 🙏❤️
Dear Dina and family, our heartfelt condolences to you, your family and your dear sisters family. May you all find peace and comfort at this difficult time 🙏
Dear Dina and Vince
We would like to offer our deepest condolences on your sister Vita’s passing. May God give you strength and courage through this difficult time. Rest in Peace.
Joe, Gemma, Barb and Tony and family
Pietro and family,
Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. We pray that your memories and wonderful times together will bring you you peace and confort at this difficult time.
May God bless her soul.
L’eterno riposo dona a loro, o Signore, e splenda ad essi la luce perpetua. Riposino in pace. Amen.
Gaspare, Antonina and Maria piccolina
Dear Peter, Ciro, Dina and Families. Our deepest condolences for your loss. Our prayers are with you all at this time.
Dearest Aunt Josey and family-
Sending you our deepest condolences. We have fond memories of Vita. May the many wonderful memories help to sustain you during these difficult days.
Much love-
Sarah, Ralf, Hannah and Simone
Il mondo perde gentilezza, intelligenza, cultura, delicatezza e garbo… oggi è una giornata colma di dolore.
Cara zia Vita proveremo a salutarti nonostante la commozione che noi tutti abbiamo dentro. Essa non trova parole e meglio si esprime senza di esse, ma proveremo a dare voce al cuore, un cuore che oggi si nutre di ricordi. I ricordi, sono l’arma più potente di tutte: nessuno è in grado di cancellarli e quelli più forti sopravvivono persino al tempo che fugge, sono il ponte tra questa vita e l’eternità che ci aspetta, il bene più prezioso. Anche se un giorno ci verrà voglia di abbracciarti e non potremo farlo ci tufferemo proprio in uno di essi…quanti ricordi …la tua maniera esclusiva e attenta di accoglierci nei viaggi in Canada e nelle tue permanenze in Sicilia distribuite negli anni corredate da tanti momenti preziosi che custodiamo dentro …
Cara Zia Vita, qui mancherai a tutti a noi (nipoti) lontani fisicamente ma vicini emotivamente…verseremo tante lacrime e giorni non felici…
Ci hai lasciato tra tutte l’ amore per i libri, abbiamo amato il tuo essere discreta e l’amore paziente che hai sempre mostrato per il nostro adorato zio Pietro e per i nostri meravigliosi cugini Aldo Daniele e Justin.. Sei ancora così presente che è difficile abituarsi a credere che tu non ci sia più.. ciao zia, basta con tutta questa sofferenza , fai un buon viaggio in questo turbinio di nostre emozioni. Ci hai voluto bene, lo hai sempre dimostrato, e noi ne abbiamo voluto a te. Se non ci avessi riempito di amore adesso non sentiremmo questo grande vuoto. Ci mancherai tanto.. la tua straordinaria umanità, la tua profonda sensibilità , l’affetto generoso di cui ci hai nutrito. Le persone non muoiono mai se le hai nel cuore. Puoi perdere la loro presenza, la loro voce…ma ciò che hai imparato da loro, ciò che ti hanno lasciato non lo perderai mai!
Dear Comare Dina, Compare Vince and family,
Our heartfelt condolences on the loss of Vita. Sending you lots of love and strength to get through this difficult time.
Pasquale and Andreia Maiolo
Joanne and Brett Howlett
My deepest sympathy to the entire Ingraldi family. I taught with Vita at St. Antoine Daniel Catholic School and we have maintained our friendship ever since. Vita was a dear and cherished friend whose passing has been heartbreaking and left a tremendous void. She will be greatly missed. We can take comfort in the warm and wonderful memories we have of such a special human being.
Dear Peter and family ,
Our most sincere condolences for our Vita’s passing. May all the beautiful memories help you and your family through this most difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May you Rest In Peace Vita.
Dear Daniel,
My sincerest condolences to you and your entire family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May your dear Mom Rest In Peace.
My sincerest condolences to Peter and family ,Vita will be missed may she rest in peace.
My sincere condolences to Vita and her family. At Silver Pines Public School Vita was always thoughtful, gentle and kind to everyone. She emanated empathy everyday with conaideration and positivity. A true angel on earth, and a colleague who taught valuable lessons.
Dear Justin: Condolences to you and your family on the passing of your sweet Mother. Always remember your loving references to her when you managed the TIFF Volunteer office. May the words of Longfellow bring you and yours some comfort:
“The heart has its own memory
Like the mind
And in it are enshrined
The precious keepsakes.”
With love, Nadine, Olivia and Vera
I am so sorry to have learned of the passing of Vita. She was a cherished friend to my late wife Judy. I want to extend my condolences to Peter and his entire family.
Vita inspired so many of us…teachers, students and friends. I am so honoured that I got to work with her and call her friend for so long. I am so sorry that I did not know she had passed away..I had the pleasure of teaching Daniel and seeing Aldo and Justin grow in the gentle kindness Vita and Peter bestowed on them. Vita, I will never forget the nurturing you shared with every student, guiding them to be the best they could be.
Thank you Vita for your friendship.
REST IN PEACE my dear friend. Your angel wings soar over us now.
Love always.
Cathy Nunno