elevated dQh9B November 4, 1941 ~ March 23, 2025
elevated dQh9B Visitation
Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 2 – 4 & 6 – 8 pm
elevated dQh9B Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6
elevated dQh9B Funeral Service
Friday, March 28, 2025 at 10:30 am
elevated dQh9B Chapel of St. Joseph – Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
elevated dQh9B Click Here to View the Funeral Service
elevated dQh9B Interment
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
8361 Yonge Street, Thornhill, ON, L3T 2C7
elevated dQh9B Section: 20
elevated dQh9B Obituary
Olga Pugliese (née Zorzi), Professor Emerita, University of Toronto passed on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at Sunnybrook Health Centre after a year-long battle with advanced Ovarian cancer. Olga was predeceased by her late husband Guido Pugliese, brother Fred Zorzi, brothers-in-law Ivano Bortolussi, Leo Presacco, Angelo Pugliese and sister-in-law Marika Pugliese. She is survived by sisters Mary Bortolussi and Velma Presacco, sisters-in-law Susan Zorzi, Mary Pugliese and Rose Pugliese and brothers-in-law Mario Pugliese and Joe Pugliese. She will be remembered by nieces and nephews: Gerry Bortolussi (Catherine McMonagle), Elaine Martini (Joe), Arlene Pontisso (Lody), Steven Presacco (Danik), Rochelle Zorzi (Brad Milburn), Sandro Zorzi (Michelle), Rose Ann Andolina (Sam), Michael Pugliese (Carmela), Sandra Berardi (Frank), Emilio Pugliese (Etsuko), Nushee Montanari (Mark), Christina Chiefalo (Pat), Paola Marrelli (Domenic), Daniela Pugliese (Martin Hendrie), 25 great nieces and nephews, as well as a great-grandnephew, Austin Pontisso and twin great-grandnieces, Sienna and Savannah Pontisso. Born in 1941, Professor Emerita Olga Zorzi Pugliese enjoyed a 45-year career teaching at the University of Toronto where she also held various administrative positions. She served as Chair of the Department of Italian Studies1997-2002 and as Director of the Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies (Victoria University) from 2006-2009. An active member of the profession, she was elected President of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies (2005-2008). Her scholarly work focused on Renaissance Italian literature and culture and included studies on Castiglione and Machiavelli and many other writers. In the latter decades she engaged in research on the contribution of Italians in Canada. Many of her publications in the field focused on mosaic artwork in Canada by Italian-Canadians and the artist Chiarandini. Olga regretted not being able to complete some projects, but was happy to have been able to write a family history in 2023, tracing the ancestry of the families of her four grandparents in the Italian region of Friuli. Some years ago, a journalist had written about her “three souls” Canadian, Italian and Friulian. Together with her husband, Guido Pugliese, she promotes Italian culture by endowing scholarship (in perpetuity) for studying In Italy. They were established in various institutions: Victoria College (University of Toronto), the University of Toronto Mississauga, and Western University. She also endowed the course in Italian Canadian Studies now offered annually in the Canadian Studies Program at University College and in the Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto.
elevated dQh9B A special thank you to nurse Honnee Jean Trasporto for providing excellent care during Olga’s final few months and Dr. Ni and staff of the Palliative Care Unit at Sunnybrook Health Center. In lieu of flowers, donations would be appreciated to either of two Pugliese scholarship Funds: Office of Alumni Affairs and Advancements, Victoria University in the University of Toronto, 150 Charles Street West, 3rd Floor, Toronto Ontario M5S 1K9 (payable to Victoria University) https://my.alumni.utoronto.ca/Pugliese Click Here to Donate or Office of Advancement, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road North, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6 (payable to the University of Toronto Mississauga) https://uoft.me/UTM-Pugliese-Italy-Scholarship Click Here to Donate
elevated dQh9B
Deepest condolences from the Colussi Arthur family. We’re away and will miss the visitation and funeral. Olga had been one of my professors at UT St George and then a longtime colleague. A outstanding academic, she will be deeply missed.
Riposa in Pace carissima Olga.
Sentite condoglianze ai tuoi cari
Famiglia Del Giudice Sergio (Bepo) con Aurora.
Famiglia Lorenzon Tarcisio, Lucia
Famiglia Zamarian Alessandro, Romina
Famiglia Chiappino Luca, Silvia
I find myself without words in this moment. Olga’s work and her example of magnanimous collegiality has always been an inspiration to me. She will be greatly missed.
Olga was a remarkable person and a dear friend, I have many fond memories of our times together. There will be a big hole in the world without her.
I offer my deepest sympathy to the Pugliese family on their loss.
Frank Nuessel
AATI President (2012-2014)
Olga was a dear friend, kind, generous, intelligent, educated, a great lady.
May she rest in peace!
Sincere condoglianze a tutti i parenti dal Friuli, Vittorino e Neva Comuzzi e famiglia.
Sending all our love and sincerest condolences.
I was heartbroken to hear of Olga’s passing. She was such a meaningful part of our family—wise, warm, and deeply generous in spirit. Her presence brought grace, intelligence, and kindness into every gathering, and her loss leaves a deep emptiness that words can’t fully capture.
Beyond her remarkable academic legacy, Olga lived with purpose and heart. Her passion for Italian culture, and her dedication to education, were truly inspiring. I will always treasure the memories we shared and the lasting impact she had on our family.
Please know that my thoughts are with everyone who loved her. May her memory continue to guide and comfort us.
Ti ricorda con affetto un amico dell’anno 1968 -69 allora in Canada, poi dall’ Italia e dal Friuli.
Angelo Bertolo
Olga did so much for the Italian community here in Canada.
For that we should be so wonderfully honoured and extremely grateful
My sincere condolences to Olga’s family for this great loss. Olga’s work lives on and has inspired so many of us. She will be deeply missed.
Olga’s passing saddens me. She was an exceptional professor whose knowledge greatly enriched the lives of countless students, shaping their understanding and appreciation of Italian cultures. Her invaluable contributions to our community will resonate for years to come. Olga earned my utmost respect, and I will feel her absence profoundly. My deepest condolences to the family, friends, and all who appreciate her.
My most sincere condolences to those who loved and cherished, and shared and collaborated with Dr. Pugliese. I never had the chance to meet or learn from her directly, but I know that my time at U of T, both as a student and as an instructor, were directly affected by her influence and inspiration. Her name and presence were everywhere, and students and colleagues will forever benefit for her contributions and spirit to the Italian program. Grazie, Professoressa. Wishing her loved ones peace and comfort in this challenging time.
Condolences to Olga’s family and beloved ones. She was a real treasure; a gem of a person with a wealth of knowledge about the history of the Italian community in Toronto. Her passion for the Italian mosaics in town was truly inspiring.
Che la terra ti sia lieve, cara Olga.
The Consulate General of Italy in Toronto expresses the deepest condolences to the family. Prof. Zorzi Pugliese has been a powerful pillar of the Italian-Canadian community in Ontario. It is a very sad moment. Everyone will miss her expertise, knowledge about the history and the contributions of the Italian diaspora to Canada, her kind and generous attitude.
The Consul General Luca Zelioli and the whole staff.
Sentite condoglianze.
Olga was a rare breed of academic – an outstanding scholar and teacher, plus an extremely well-organized administrator. I had the honour of having her as my professor for two Renaissance humanism courses when I was in graduate school. She was also graduate chair that year and was very helpful to me. Grazie tanto, carissima Olga!
Le mie piu sincere condoglianze alla sua famiglia e a tutti i suoi amici e colleghi.
Impossibile riflettere sui miei anni alla University of Toronto e non pensare alla Professoressa Zorzi Pugliese. Mi ha servito di docente modello quando pensavo di entrare anch’io nella professione e mi ricorderò sempre dell’appoggio e dell’incoraggiamento che mi aveva dato tutti quegli anni fa mentre cominciavo a fare ricerca in linguistica. Che la terra le sia lieve, Professoressa; riposi in pace.
Apprendere della scomparsa della professoressa Olga Zorzi Pugliese mi ha profondamente rattristato. Il suo insegnamento e la sua passione per la lingua e letteratura italiana hanno lasciato un segno indelebile in tutti noi. le mie più sincere condoglianze alla famiglia e a tutti coloro che hanno avuto il privilegio di conoscerla. Riposa in pace.
Sentite condoglianze.
Sending our sincerest condolences.
Che la terra ti sia lieve, Olga. Condoglianze alla famiglia di una studiosa di grande valore. Tutti coloro che hanno avuto la fortuna di studiare con te ti ricorderanno.
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Olga – a longtime member of the Famee Furlane Toronto. She was a close and valued friend of the Famee and in many ways its cultural mentor. Her passion for her roots, the Friulan history, language and simply “all things Friulan” was second to none. Although we are closing a long chapter in our history, we will forever remain beneficiaries of her impactful legacy.
My condolences to the family. She was very approachable and knowledgeable. One of the best professors I had as a student at U of T.
We are so saddened by this news! Olga has made a significant contribution to the world through her passions & expertise! Her thirst for learning & teaching was contagious & admirable!
🙏 Rest in peace Olga!
The passing of Prof. Emerita Olga Zorzi Pugliese is such sad news. She was a gentle, kind person and she will always be remembered fondly by those who had the fortune to know her. Deepest condolences to her family. May she rest in peace as she joins her beloved Guido in heaven. Condoglianze
On behalf of the Department of Italian Studies, the most heartfelt condolences to Olga’s family and friends for their loss. On a personal note, Olga was such a commanding presence in Italian Studies in Canada and in the Toronto community that it’s hard to imagine them without her. We will all miss her greatly.
Our sincere condolences to the Pugliese and Zorzi family. May Olga’s contributions to scholarship and education continue to be a source of inspiration and that her memory bring comfort during this difficult time.
Len and Rosemary Naccarato
My sincerest condolences to Professor Pugliese’s family, friends, and all those who held her dear. She was a remarkable woman, kind, intelligent, dedicated, and selfless. I was privileged to be one of the many students whose lives was enriched by Professor Pugliese’s intelligence and wit. Her commitment to scholarship and community building was inspiring and matched by her altruism. She will continue to be a source of inspiration for many.
Riposa in pace.
All’ombra de’ cipressi e dentro l’urne / Confortate di pianto è forse il sonno / Della morte men duro? – Le mie più sentite condoglianze a tutte le persone che l’hanno conosciuta ed amata. Prof. Olga Zorzi Pugliese’s teachings will live long not only in her academic works, but also in the minds and hearts of her pupils. Olga, you’ll be greatly missed by all of us. Sebastiano Bazzichetto
Olga and Guido were dear neighbours for over 30 years. We miss them both. Our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family.
Rest in Peace Olga.
Irene and Frank
I will never forget Olga’s generosity and encouragement. As a graduate student, Olga and Guido Pugliese (1940-2016) were both very supportive of my work and research. I will always remember and appreciate all the excellent suggestions she gave me while writing my dissertation. Thank you and Rest In Peace dear Olga … Che la terra ti sia lieve 🌹My heartfelt condolences to her loved ones.
It is with great sadness that we share the passing of Olga on Sunday March 23, 2025. Olga was a longtime member of the Famee Furlane Toronto, a close and valued friend and in many ways its cultural mentor. Her passion for her roots, the Friulan history, language and simply “all things Friulan” was second to none. Although we are closing a long chapter in our history, we will forever remain beneficiaries of her impactful legacy.
Riposa in Pace.
Joe Zamparo
Chair, Famee Furlane Toronto
I met Professor Pugliese during my graduate studies at U of T. I always admired how she navigated every interaction – with both colleagues and students – with a commanding presence that was perfectly balanced with grace and kindness.
From both the Ouji & Spedicato families, we send our condolences to her family and all those who held her dear.
Our Deepest Sympathy to all of Olga’s loved ones. She was a beautiful soul . We are blessed that we had her in our lives. You are truly missed , and will stay forever in our hearts.
Love ,
Maria and Ana Hilario
Che la terra ti sia lieve Olga, siamo lontani, ma vicini con il cuore. Un caloroso abbraccio. Walter, Maria Emma e Famiglia.
Olga has been a colleague and a dear friend for decades.
I spoke to her often during her illness. I was touched
by her courage in dealing with our human finitude.
She has been a remarkable scholar and an unrelenting promoter of Italian culture in Canada. I will miss her generosity, her kindness, and her calm way of being. I regret not being able to be present at her funeral.
My heartfelt condolences to the entire family, also on behalf of my wife Elizabeth Cinello,
John Picchione
Sentite condoglianze da parte di tutto lo staff dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Toronto.
E` stato un vero onore e piacere aver collaborato con la Prof.ssa Emerita Olga Pugliese Zorzi all’evento dedicato agli maestri mosaicisti friulani l’anno scorso presso il Royal Ontario Museum.
Our Condolences
💐 to everyone from our family. 🙏
Our deepest condolences to the Pugliese and Zorzi families for the loss of your beloved Olga.
She will be truly missed.
Saverio and Maria Rezza and family.
Very sad news indeed! We will miss this wonderful, smart, sweet lady a lot. We will always remember her.
Akkus Family – 32 Northmount Avenue
Deepest condolences to Olga’s family and loved ones. I feel privileged to have known Olga these many years through my involvement at the Famee Furlane Toronto. Her kindness, strength and generosity remains as a lasting legacy. Thank you Olga. Rest in Peace.
Sentite condoglianze.
Olga was a wonderful light in this world.
Our thoughts and prayers with the family.
Guido Chiefalo
Emily Irvine and Family
Olga è stata una persona luminosa, una docente gentilissima e umana. Il tanto bene da lei donato rimarrà nelle vite di chi ha avuto la fortuna di incontrarla; a chi le è stato amico, allievo, collega la responsabilità di portare avanti la sua eredità umana e culturale.
Sentite Condoglianze – famiglia De Luca. Il tuo sorriso ci mancherà.
We remember Olga fondly, making us feel welcomed, from the very first moments when we arrived to Ontario. It was always a joy getting together with her. With her kindness generosity and humour, we always left with smiles on our faces. She will be missed.
Very sad to hear of Olga’s passing. May she rest peacefully and eternally.
I only had the privilege of knowing Olga for a short time, but in that time, it was clear what a kind and generous person she was. Her warmth and thoughtfulness left a lasting impression, and I will always remember the great conversations we shared. She was incredibly smart, with a way of making every discussion engaging and meaningful.
I am so sorry for your loss. Wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time.
With deepest sympathy,
We will remember Olga very fondly. I met Olga at our local community centre over 25 + years ago, while attending fitness classes. Unlike the majority of people that know Olga because of her academia and scholarly work, we were workout buddies. Of course, when I found out that she is a professor at U of T, and me an alumni of St. Mike’s U of T and Italian Studies, we quickly connected even more. We will miss Olga’s presence in our fitness classes and her adamant workout ethic. Our condolences to the Zorzi & Pugliese families; may you rest in peace Olga. 🙏🏼❤️
Connie Ciarallo
Ho appreso con immenso dolore della scomparsa di Olga. Ho avuto l’onore di conoscerla più di vent’anni fa, insieme al caro Guido, quando muovevo i miei primi passi nel mondo accademico. Olga incoraggiava e aiutava chiunque incontrasse sul suo cammino e dimostrava ogni giorno di essere una donna guidata da un profondo senso del dovere e da una moralità fuori dal comune. È stata una grande donna che è riuscita a diventare una brillante studiosa in un mondo spesso ostile per il genere femminile. Si è sempre contraddistinta per la sua grande dignità, onestà e sincerità. Olga mi ha insegnato a non scendere mai a compromessi e a scegliere sempre la strada giusta, non la più comoda e conveniente. Le sarò sempre profondamente grata per i suoi insegnamenti, il suo sostegno e il suo affetto. Il mondo ha perso una grande studiosa e una grande donna. Riposa in pace, cara Olga. Sarai sempre nei miei pensieri e in quelli di tutti coloro che hanno avuto la fortuna di incontrarti.
Sentite e sincere condoglianze alla famiglia della cara amica Olga.
Il suo lavoro rigoroso, la sua generosità, la sua disponibilità e sensibilità rimangono nella memoria di chi l’ha conosciuta.
Sei stata di grande insegnamento. Sentiremo la tua mancanza.
Mandi Olga.
Condolences to all the Pugliesi and Zorzi families for the loss of Professor Olga,my thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time.May she Rest.In.Peace. as she joins her beloved husband Guido in heaven 🙏🏻🌹🙏🏻🌹🙏🏻🌹💔