elevated jQJd6 April 5th, 1931- March 12th 2024

elevated jQJd6 Obituary

elevated jQJd6 It is with deep sadness we share the news of, Owen Patrick Rose who left for his heavenly abode on March 12th, 2024. Owen was a beloved & devoted husband to Late Audrey Rita Rose, loving father to Colin, Jackie Cyril & Christopher, proud grandfather to Joanna, Alaistair, Deanne, Leanne, Gavin & fun loving father-in-law to Claver, Joyce Jackie & Grace.

elevated jQJd6 Owen was a man of deep, abiding, constant faith and lived his life to his fullest. Born in Mhow (India) and moved to Canada with his late wife Audrey Rita Rose in 2008 he spent his later years devoted to his family. He had a natural ability to make friends and hold onto those friendships for dear life. Being a social being, Owen was the life to any party. He loved singing & dancing and was a big infulence to his grand son Gavin.

elevated jQJd6 Owen will be missed for his authentic & compassionate heart, the love for everyone without judging anyone in his circle of infulence. He enjoyed his life to the fullest and found a way to smile & laugh right to the very last.

elevated jQJd6 We Love You & Miss You Owen.

elevated jQJd6 Private Family Services.