elevated Ux43a November 2, 1930 ~ June 29, 2020
elevated Ux43a Obituary
elevated Ux43a Pansy Yuet-Sum Tsang, 90, of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, passed away peacefully at home, on June 29, 2020, after a year-long struggle with lung cancer.
elevated Ux43a She was born as Yuet-Sum Kwong in 1930 in Hong Kong, into a traditional family of established businessmen. During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, she lived with her family in her ancestral village in Foshan, and stayed there until the end of the war. She then returned to Hong Kong, attended and graduated from the French Convent School.
elevated Ux43a Pansy married Michael Man-Kwong Tsang in 1949. They lived in Hong Kong until 1972, and raised four daughters. When Michael started a new business venture in 1972, they moved to San Jose, Costa Rica. In 1981, Michael and Pansy migrated to Canada and started a new life there because their daughters had all settled down in North America. Pansy and Michael returned to Hong Kong in 1987 to be close to Pansy’s mother and for Michael’s consultation work. When Michael finally retired in 2002, they moved back to Toronto and have stayed there ever since.
elevated Ux43a Anyone who has known Pansy would never forget her smile and her elegance. She was always kind and remarkably generous. By her own example, she taught her daughters dignity, grace, gratitude, and the importance of putting family before all else. Her home was always impeccably kept. Pansy was a connoisseur of fashion and cuisines. She became friends with chefs and managers of top Chinese restaurants in Toronto and was herself a gourmet cook. She loved to travel, taking trips on the road, cruises, and train. “I have visited many places on every continent of the planet,” she said as she beamed with joy. At home, both Pansy and Michael enjoyed singing Cantonese opera and karaoke. They danced a good cha-cha and the jitterbug in their younger days. As time went by, they played more mahjong and watched drama series. Pansy would not miss the daily morning or evening news until the end, and very much enjoyed sharing her opinions on current events around the world. Even when her health was in decline, she would still sit at the desk next to her bed and read for a while before retiring every night. Pansy was immensely proud of her family, for whom she has left beautiful, loving memories.
elevated Ux43a Pansy is survived by her loving husband of 71 years, and her daughters and sons-in-law: Felicia and Siulam Lee, Shirley and Raymond Kwong, Pamela Tsang, Linda Tsang and Herbert Hui. She is also survived by her grandchildren and their spouses: Terence and Nina Lee, Timothy Lee and Ella Willard-Schmoe, Serena Lee, Andrew Kwong and Tiffane Wang, Brandon Kwong and Bonnie Huang, and two great-grandchildren: Henry Lee-Willard and Ethan Kwong.
elevated Ux43a To View a slide how, please click the link below.
elevated Ux43a https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lJnc3M3EIyUw9FYYoQLsiW5ROg7EG1NI/view
elevated Ux43a Funeral service will take place at the Holy Cross Funeral Home in Toronto, on Friday, July 3, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. EST. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, visitation will be private and funeral service will be web streamed:
elevated Ux43a Click Here to View the Service
elevated Ux43a The family would deeply appreciate that friends and relatives make donations in support of the Freeman Centre for Palliative Care at the North York General Hospital in memory and honor of Pansy, in lieu of sending flowers.
elevated Ux43a To make a donation, please follow this link: https://nyghfoundation.ca/ways-to-donate/
elevated Ux43a Click on the blue rectangle that says “Make a gift in honor”
elevated Ux43a Click the circle next to “Specify an area for the gift to support:”
elevated Ux43a From the drop-down menu of “Select a program”, choose “Freeman Centre for Palliative Care”
elevated Ux43a Check the square next to “I want to dedicate my gift in honour of someone”
elevated Ux43a
elevated Ux43a 先慈曾鄺月心女士於二零二零年六月二十九日在加拿大多倫多家中安然辭世,享壽九十,丈夫女兒隨侍在側。奉嚴諭謹擇於二零二零年七月三日下午一時三十分於 Holy Cross Funeral Home 舉行家奠。由於疫症限制弔喪人數,以致喪禮一切從簡,希請親友見諒。請於家奠開始之前進入網頁觀禮。
elevated Ux43a Click Here to View the Service
elevated Ux43a 敬辭花牌帛金,有心人請以先慈名義捐贈予Freeman Centre for Palliative Care at the North York General Hospital。
elevated Ux43a https://nyghfoundation.ca/ways-to-donate/
elevated Ux43a 點擊藍色方形 “Make a gift in honor”
elevated Ux43a 點擊 “Specify an area for the gift to support:” 的圓形
elevated Ux43a 從 “Select a program” 鼠標選項中, 選擇 “Freeman Centre for Palliative Care”
elevated Ux43a 點擊 “I want to dedicate my gift in honour of someone” 旁邊的正方形
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elevated Ux43a 二零一九年六月,經醫確診母患第四期肺癌。遍訪多方名醫以謀良方,不果。奈母親難忍藥物治療之苦,終擇於有限時間內,盡享尊嚴精彩人生。丈夫與女兒均有同感,萬般不捨之下,唯有尊重其意願,盡心讓她開懷安享餘下歲月。
elevated Ux43a 母親原籍廣東省南海縣,一九三零年生於香港,抗戰期間暫避居於東村祖居,返港後,繼續肆業於聖保碌修院女子中學。一九四九年與家父曾文光先生結婚,育有四女。一九七二年,父親在中美洲哥斯達黎經商。雖然當時不諳西班牙語,母親亦毅然攜兩幼女隨往。母親的廚藝和款客之道,使她在當地華僑圈裏成了一時的風雲人物。一九八一年移民加拿大,一九八七年隨父親回港,二零零二年父親退休後再度遷返加拿大,兩人一直定居住於多倫多。
elevated Ux43a 母親燦爛的笑容和雍容的儀態是最教人難忘的。她鑽研時尚與美食,有其獨到的心得。女兒還小時,她曾經設計及縫紉女兒們的衣服。女兒成長後,她仍不斷為女兒挑選衣裝。在多倫多居住期間,母親與好幾位高級粵菜餐館的經理及員工成為好友,她自己亦煮得一手好菜。母親喜愛旅遊,尤其欣賞大自然的景色和各地的風土人情。不外遊時,生活也是多姿多彩的。年青時,父親與母親有時跳跳交際舞,後來一起唱粵曲,亦甚喜歡玩麻雀牌、看電視劇。每天的晨早新聞及晚間新聞是少不得的,每晚臨睡前的半小時閱讀亦一直維持至最後的一個月。
elevated Ux43a 雖然丈夫、女兒、及外孫幾乎佔據了母親全部的內心世界,但母親對其他身邊的人總表示摯誠的關懷,亦常予以熱情的款待。母親持家有道,照顧丈夫和女兒無微不至,孫輩亦是在外祖母的寵愛中長大的。母親留給我們的是永恆的愛、一生的精彩、無限的美好回憶。母親一生無憾,我們是有福的。
elevated Ux43a https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lJnc3M3EIyUw9FYYoQLsiW5ROg7EG1NI/view
elevated Ux43a 奉嚴曾文光諭
elevated Ux43a 哀女 秀芬 婿 李小林 外孫 李逸雲 外孫媳 Nina Aduayi
elevated Ux43a 李逸明 Ella Willard-Schmoe 曾外孫 李凱忻
elevated Ux43a 外孫女 李逸珊
elevated Ux43a 秀儀 婿 鄺漢星 外孫 鄺偉恆 外孫媳 王青 曾外孫 鄺智明
elevated Ux43a 鄺偉誠 黃博
elevated Ux43a 秀屏
elevated Ux43a 秀玲 婿 許忠元
elevated Ux43a 泣啟
志清 暨眾兒孫