elevated yAcMi September 7, 1929 ~ April 15, 2024
elevated yAcMi Visitation
Friday, April 19, 2024 from 4-8 p.m.
Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6
elevated yAcMi Funeral Mass
Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.
Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6
elevated yAcMi Interment
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
8361 Yonge Street, Thornhill, ON, L3T 2C7
elevated yAcMi Obituary
Philip Zenobio passed away peacefully on April 15, 2024 at the age of 94 years old. He was born on September 7, 1929 in Minturno, Italy, a small town located off the Appian Road between Naples and Rome.
elevated yAcMi He is survived by his beloved wife of 65 years, Elizabeth Zenobio (neé Presutto). He is also survived by his two sons Vince (Nadia) and Joe (Dana), as well as his three granddaughters, Tanya, Jenna and Jacqueline. He is also survived by his younger brother Fernando (Maria).
elevated yAcMi Growing up amidst World War II, he matured into a man much quicker than any boy should have. As a teenager and young man, he took on the obligation of financially supporting his family in Italy, as his parents were often sick and unable to work. In 1952, he immigrated to Canada, eventually settling in Montreal. He moved to Toronto in the early 60’s. In both cities, he worked in various jobs as a construction labourer, loading and unloading trucks, and factory worker. Eventually, he took on the added responsibility of attending night school to acquire a skilled trade. As a result, he became a welder, his chosen trade for the remainder of his working life. Like many immigrants, he continued to support his family back in the home country by sending money to them from time to time. That work ethic continued as he raised his own immediate family in Canada.
elevated yAcMi Philip loved reading and dabbling in history, philosophy and geography. He was often found exercising his mind with crosswords. He was a zealous fan of the Lazio soccer team in the Italian Serie A professional soccer league. If Italia was in a tournament, he was captivated by “the beautiful game”. Somehow, he always knew more than the coaches. This love of the game reached a new height when his son, Joe, grew into an excellent soccer player in his own right.
elevated yAcMi He also loved music. He possessed crates of CDs— classic Italian ballads, ballroom dance music, and recordings of favourite singers like Boccelli, Caruso, and Pavarotti. In his later years, through local Seniors’ Clubs, he and his wife took up ballroom dancing as a hobby. Now and then he would try to sing a song aloud, all the while laughing at himself and stating “what a voice, what a voice”, much to the delight of his giggling granddaughters.
elevated yAcMi Loving son, loving husband, loving father, loving grandfather– you made our world a richer and better place.
elevated yAcMi In lieu of flowers, if desired, donations may be made to Mackenzie Health Foundation. https://www.mackenziehealth.ca/support-us/foundation.
Dearest Lisa, Jo and Vince, my heart is broken to hear the passing of my dear Phillip. Now he has no more pain. Our deepest condolences to you and families. May he rest in peace
Dear family, l know you have all passed through a terrible grief and these days have been very hard for you. I hope that today, together you have gathered as family in search of peace and serenity. I was with you in a very difficult moment and will always cherish my last visit to zio filippo, hoping l would have arrived before. This is the moment for cherishing long life memories and this will help you all for the future days and years.
Un saluto speciale a tutti voi e un abbraccio da parte nostra,
tua nipote elisabetta zenobio
Very saddened to hear the news of Phillip’s passing. One of the great joys of family is to be able to care, comfort and support loved ones. Phillip will be looking down, knowing that he left a great family that makes the world better.
I hope the Zenobio family finds peace as you sort through the happy, funny and sad memories of Phillip’s long life.
Filippo Zenobio era un uomo intelligente.
L’ho incontrato poche volte nella mia vita, ma mi ha lasciato un bel ricordo come persona!
Porgo le condoglianze a tutta la famiglia con affetto!
Cari Lisa, Vincent e Jo conservo un bellissimo ricordo di voi e di Filippo quando sono venuta in Canada e vi ho conosciuto. Un abbraccio affettuoso a tutti voi.
Paola Forte
Dear family, l know you have all gone through a terrible moment of grief. Zio Filippo has left , for a better life, where he is now blessing us and waiting to meet us again. I would have been happy to meet you all in a different moment and l was so sorry not to be there. I will always remember my last visit to zio Filippo.
Condoglianze da tutta la famiglia,
tua nipote elisabetta zenobio