elevated 3ey97 September 20, 1924 – September 22, 2024

elevated 3ey97 Obituary

elevated 3ey97 Peacefully passed away in her 101st year in Scarborough, Ontario, surrounded by family.

elevated 3ey97 She was predeceased by YANG, Kai Ting Joseph, her husband of 65 years.

elevated 3ey97 Loving mother to Jennifer and late son-in-law Alfred, Rick (Kamm), and Angelina (Peter); Po Chun was also a cherished grandmother of eight grandchildren and beloved great-grandmother of four. 

elevated 3ey97 She was born and grew up in the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong where she had lived for the first 68 years of her life.  She is remembered by friends and relatives as gentle, kind, helpful, and friendly to all she met.  She worked as a bookkeeper while caring for the whole family.  She loved to sew and, endowed with her gifted talents, created the wardrobe for the three children as they were growing up and still found time to help friends sewing dresses.  She was also an avid swimmer and practiced the sport in her younger days rain or shine.  She had always held a positive attitude to life, was always optimistic and resourceful, and always found a way to deal with life’s challenges.  She had lived life to the fullest, was always enthusiastic in learning new skills, be it a sport or a cooking technique or some artistic work.  She had an appreciation for classical music and had enjoyed the occasional attendance at concert halls with family members.

elevated 3ey97 She will be missed by all who know her.

elevated 3ey97 Interment to take place at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery (8361 Yonge Street, Thornhill, ON).  A Memorial Mass will be held at a later date.

elevated 3ey97 The family has asked in lieu of flowers, donations be made to a charity of your choice.

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