elevated e9Fv0 August 27, 1965 ~ January 9, 2020
elevated e9Fv0 Tuesday January 14, 2020 from 2pm-4pm & 6pm-8pm
elevated e9Fv0 Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6
elevated e9Fv0 Funeral Mass
Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 9:15am
elevated e9Fv0 Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home – The Chapel of St. Joseph
elevated e9Fv0 211 Langstaff Rd. Thornhill, ON L3T 3Z6
elevated e9Fv0 Cremation
Assumption Catholic Crematorium
elevated e9Fv0 Donations in Slawek’s memory can be made to the Mackenzie Health Foundation or to the Sunnybrook Hospital Foundation.
elevated e9Fv0
Agnes & Joanna, we are deeply saddened by your loss, our hearts go out to you both and our thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time.
Thank you so so much for your message and for the support you and your family extends to Joanna and I during this difficult time.
It means a lot!
I am very sorry for your loss and I will have him in my prayers.
We are very sorry to hear of your loss and extend our deepest sympathy. We will keep you in our prayers.
Thank you for you kind words and prayers Michelle and Rob!
Thank you Maria.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers Maria
Dear Agnieszka and Joanna, we are so sorry and sad to hear about your loss. Our thoughts and love are with you during this incredibly hard time. 💕 xxx
Thank you Kasia.
Best regards to your family
I am so sorry for your loss Agnes and Joanna. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Nadia!
Your support means a lot to us
Slawek will be missed greatly. He was always a great friend and an amazing person.
We will always remember him.
He definitely will be missed and remembered by many…
Łączę się w smutku i żalu z Córką Agnieszką i Wnuczka Joanną, po stracie Męża i Dadisia. W tych trudnych dla Was dniach, godzinach, minutach… , jestem z Wami sercem i myślami. Modlę się o spokój i siłę dla Was i o spokój duszy Sławka.
Dziękujemy Mamuś!
Agnes and Joanna, I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to your family. May you find solace and comfort in one another during this difficult time.
Thank you for your kind words and support Susan!
Agnes and Joanna,
We are very saddened by this tragic news.
Our condolences.
We are very sorry for your loss.
Thomas, Linda, Matthew and Sylvia Gehring
Thank you so very much for your condolences, Thomas. Slavo thought of you dearly.
Regards to you and your family
Dear Agnes and Joanna, my deepest condolences on the loss of Slavo. May he rest in peace.
Prayers for strength during this time.
Thanks Shem for your kind words and prayers.
Means a lot!
I am sorry for your loss. I worked with Slavo for 2 years at Manchester Plastics, and he always treated me good, answering my questions, and was always friendly when we sat and had coffee at coffee break time. He was a great mentor and a very solid engineer.
Thank you Michael. He was a remarkable man indeed.
Droga Agnieszko, Prosze przyjac wyrazy wspolczucia i serdeczne kondolencje. Zawsze bedziemy pamietac Slawka jako milego,
dowcipnego, skromnego bardzo zdolnego ,swietnego kompana
w kazdym towarzystwie. bedzie nam Go bardzo brakowalo. Podziwiamy Go za odwage i hart z jakim walczyl ze straszna choroba.
Jego cialo ostatecznie zostalo zwyciezone przez raka ale jego duch jest niesmiertelny i prosimy Pana Boga by mial Go w swojej opiece.
Pawel&Danuta Thommee
Dziękujemy za miłe słowa i otuchę.
Slawek byl wyjatkowym człowiekiem i takim pozostanie w pamięci wszystkich.
I am very saddened to hear the news of Slavo. Please accept my deepest and heartfelt condolences. My prayers are with you and family.
Thank you for your kind words and prayers Colleen.
During this sorrowful time, please accept my sincere condolences.
Ms. Good
Thank you so much Ms. Good.
My name is Casey Dibattista – I worked with Slawo at ABB for several years. He was one of the most passionate people I have ever met. His drive for learning and helping others was relentless. He will he missed. Unfortunately I could not get to the service. Please accept my sincere condolences.
My prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Thank you so much Sue!
Agnes, So sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and all the family. May almighty give you all the strength in these difficult times.
Thank you kindly Sudhir.
Dear Agnes
So sorry to hear of your loss. May God’s love provide you strength and comfort during this difficult time.
Thank you very much for your kind comforting words, Sharon.
Przychodzą takie chwile w życiu, gdy trudno jest napisać w kilku zdaniach od serca to, co się czuje wewnątrz zwłaszcza, gdy w głowie pojawiają się tysiące myśli.
Ciężko jest przygotować się na niespodziewane, jeszcze ciężej przeżywa się coś, co zdaniem innych może być nieuniknione.
Sławek był moim wujem, którego niestety w życiu miałem okazję spotkać na swojej drodze tylko kilkukrotnie. Zdecydowanie za mało, ale zarazem na tyle dużo, by poznać go jako wybitnego, mądrego, oddanego i kochającego człowieka.
Pomimo trudności, z jakimi zmagał się każdego dnia, pomimo utraty sił, energii, mimo „potknięć” na drodze życia, jaką podążał. Zawsze był człowiekiem z wielką determinacją i wiarą ponad swoje siły i ponad możliwości, aby okazać trochę ciepła i serca najbliższym.
Każdy może mieć chwile słabości, zwątpienia, mogą pojawić się łzy bezradności, kryzysu, lecz wiara i motywacja nigdy nie pozwoliły mu odpuścić czy się poddać.
Tak samo jak i my, miał marzenia, cele, plany. Sławek był osobą ambitną, osobą, która osiągnęła bardzo wiele.
Chciałbym sporo jeszcze dodać, napisać, wyrazić, przekazać czy wreszcie…Powiedzieć. Po raz kolejny zabrakło czasu, teraz pozostaje mówić, nie otrzymując więcej odpowiedzi.
Zawsze będę pamiętał uśmiech na twarzy, wiarę w swoje możliwości i jego wielkie słowa, które usłyszałem będąc w Kanadzie i których nigdy nie zapomnę.
Szczerze kondolencje Agnieszka & Asia. Wraz z rodziną, jesteśmy z Wami!
Kochany Patryku,
Dziękujemy za kondolencje, słowa otuchy i piękne sentymenty i wspomnienia jakie pozostawił w Twoim sercu.
Wujek Slawek bardzo Cię kochał i cenił i lubił pogadać z Tobą choć okazji ku temu było rzeczywiście za mało …
Dziękujemy Ci za wsparcie i za to, ze podzieliłeś się z nami swoimi przemyśleniami
Kochana Siostro i Siostrzenico nie znajdujemy słów , które mogłyby Was pocieszyć i przynieść otuchę wobec ciosu, który na Was spadł. Możemy jedynie życzyć sił do zniesienia tego bólu, który tylko upływ czasu może złagodzić. Jesteśmy z Wami w tym ogromnym smutku. Sławek pozostanie w naszych wspomnieniach, gdyż zostawił ślady w naszych sercach. Jak trudno żegnać na zawsze kogoś, kto powinien być jeszcze z nami. Składamy wyrazy najszczerszego współczucia. Zawsze możecie liczyć na nasze wsparcie. Jesteśmy przy Was sercem i myślą.
Kochani Marta i Marku,
Dziękujemy Wam za kondolencje, pocieszenie, słowa otuchy i piękne wspomnienia jakie Sławek wyrył na zawsze w Waszych sercach…
Wasze wsparcie oznacza dla nas więcej niż możecie sobie wyobrazić
My deepest sympathy at this difficult time. My heart goes out to you. Slavo was a wonderful human being and will me missed by many. This loss is profound and heartwrenching. RIP Slavo.. your passing leaves a hole in our hearts.
Thank you Isabel.
Your kink words mean so much.
Nothing can mend the holes Slavo left in the hearts of so many…
I worked with Slavo for 4 years at Manchester Plastics / Collins & Aikman Plastics. A true gentleman and talented Engineer. I always considered him a mentor. He was never too busy to answer any of my questions. Peace to his family and loved ones.
Thank you for your kind sentiments Iain.
Dear Agnes and Joanna,
I am deeply saddened by your tragic loss. Please accept my most sincere and deepest condolences. I have known Slavo since we were graduate students of Mechanical Engineering at University of Toronto and later, working together at Manchester Plastics / Collins and Aikman for several years. He was a great engineer, very kind and generous. I will always remember the great times we had at school and at work. His will be missed by all!
Thank you so much for you kind words and sentiments, Derrick.
Slavo enjoyed working with you a lot…
Ta wiadomość napawa nas bardzo wielkim smutkiem. Ciągle Was wspominamy – niedawno rozmawialiśmy o wspólnej Wigilii. Pomimo oddalenia w przestrzeni Sławek zawsze był blisko nas i nadal pozostanie w naszej pamięci jako wyjątkowy przyjaciel.
Dziękujemy za ciepłe słowa i wspomnienia które i dla nas są bardzo miłe i znaczące.
Pozdrawiamy cała Wasza rodzine
Dear Agnes and Joanna,
Sincere condolences for your loss. May the wonderful memories you hold in your heart in time become your comfort. He is now free of pain and suffering in an eternal place of rest and peace.
Thank you do do much Patty. Your kind words and your constant support and love means the world to us…
Dear Agnes and Joanna,
Please accept our most heartfelt condolences on your loss. Slavo was an amazing person and and a great engineer. He will be missed by many. We are at a loss for words to relieve your grief. We pray that in this difficult time the love of God shelters you and mends the pain as you move forward.
Guntis and Gabriella
Thank you Guntis and Gabriella.
Slavo loved working with you Guntis he had so much respect for you and so many great memories you shared…
I am sorry to you Agnes and your daughter. He was taken way too soon.
Thank you Frank.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Mrs. Memme
Thank you for your kind words and prayers Ms. Memme
You are dearly missed Slawo. Rest in peace now my friend.
I am so sorry for your families loss. You and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you both the strength to get through this difficult time.
Thank you for your kind words and prayers Natalie.
My thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this difficult time. My sincerest condolences.
Mary Mabardi
Thank you very much Mary
Sending you my heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your loved one.
Thank you very much Richard
I am so sorry Agnes My thoughts and prayers are with you and Joanna during this difficult time.
I remember your stories about you and Slavo and your love of dance.
May he Rest In Peace.
Thank you so much for you words of comfort and sentiments Laura.
Agnes, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Joanna during this difficult time. I remember the wonderful stories you shared about you and Slavo’s love for dance. May he Rest In Peace.
Dear Agnes,
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you during this time.
Thank you very much Claudia
I’m so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you so much Jamie
Agnes, I am so sorry for your loss, I am thinking of you and your daughter during this time. Prayers are with you.
Thank you for you kind words and prayers Sheryl
Dear Agnes,
We are very sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you and Joanna during this difficult time.
May Slavo rest in peace.
Thank you so much Alice. Sending love back to your family
Dear Agnes, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter.
Thank you so, so much for your comforting message, Perdita.
Agnes and Joanna,
I am saddened and sorry to hear about your loss.
My condolences to you and family.
Slawo was a gentleman. Always generous and giving.
He will be missed by all that knew him.
Thank you so much for you words of comfort Simon.
Dear Agnes and Joanna,
We are very sorry for your loss and extend our deepest sympathy we will keep you in our prayers.
Thank you so much for your comforting words and prayers
Dear Agnes and Joanna, I worked with Slawo at ABB. I’m very saddened to hear of his passing. I will always remember him as very smart and kind, may he rest in peace. My deepest condolences to you both.
Thank you for your message and sentiments od Slavo, Julie
Agnes, I am so sorry for your loss, I am thinking of you and your daughter during this time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you so much June!
Your thoughts and prayers mean a lot to us
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. My sincerest condolences Agnes.
Thank you kindly Karen.
Thank you very much for your kind words and prayers, Karen
Dear Agnes and Joanna
Again, my deepest sympathy to you both on the tragic passing of your husband and father, Slavomir. Please be assured that you’ll both find strength and peace in your faith, your church, your family and your friends. it was a blessing for me to meet both of you under these difficult circumstances. May the Lord bless and sustain you in the coming days.
George Sytnyk, Chaplain, Mackenzie Health.
Dear George,
Thank you co much for you word of comfort, prayers and support you’ve extended to both Joanna and I during these difficult times.
It means so much to us and has helped us get through this tough journey with dignity and composure. You’ve been such a blessing to have at the hospital and your help has been much appreciated and never unnoticed.
Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts
Our deepest condolences, we are deeply moved by your loss.
Slavo, we will miss you dearly, rest in peace my friend, we love you.
Thank you Wojtek. Your support presence and friendship meant a lot to Slawek and us
My deepest condolences to you and your daughter, Agnes. I’m so very sorry for your loss and you are in my thoughts. Your Richmond Hill team misses you and are behind you.
Thank you so much for you kind words of support Suzanne. The love I’ve been receiving means the work to me and my daughter
Sławek był wspaniałym facetem, kumplem, niezmiernie wrażliwą osobą. Nie jestem w stanie pogodzic sie z Jego odejściem…
Wiem Marku …
Wszystkim, których w najmniejszym stopniu dotknęła miłość, przyjaźń czy obecność Sławka jest bardzo ciężko pogodzić się z Jego przedwczesnym odejściem …
Ale przecież „Nie odchodzą Ci, którzy trwają w naszych sercach i w naszej pamięci….”
Dear Agnes,
My deepest condolences to you. Despite I met Slavo once, I remember his gentle smile.
May the fond memories with Slavo bring you and Joanna peace and strength.
Please take care.
Alice Zmarzlak at CCS
Thank you so much for your words of comfort and sentiments of Slavo, Alice.
My deepest condolences to you and your daughter, Joanna. Remember all the good memories and keep them in your heart. Take care and stay strong…talk when I’m back in Toronto 😘
Thank you do much for a lovely note, Josie
Missing the Laughter in Our Lives
Darling, your love is the reason I exist.
In case you can spare a moment, could you please check out my page through this link: https://tinyurl.com/ypabm75y I’ve posted some fresh photos and updates from current events there. It would be wonderful to catch up and share our experiences.